Rockar livet i Annelistyle.

Användarnamn: Anneli


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Yoga master sökes till worldwide event

Yoga master sökes till internationellt event - The Life Power Within

Yoga master sökes!

Anneli Wester Mindfulness

T H E - L I F E - P O W E R - W I T H I N

We are building up a worldwide event – THE LIFE POWER WITHIN - focusing on the power of your own mind as the driving force to bring everything you are along on a journey. Your mind, body and soul are one. So are your dreams, fantasies, needs and cravings. 

THE LIFE POWER WITHIN wants to help you find the power within yourself - everything you are, combined with the power of your subconsciousness and transformed into a single force within you.

We use seminars, hosted by Anneli Wester, as well sessions on relaxation techniques, in order to help the mind and body integrate everything you are. With everything working together as one, you will transform and discover compassion and kindness for yourself.  

THE LIFE POWER WITHIN works in small groups of 8-16 people to guarantee true personal change and demands excellence from its masters.

Anneli Wester Yoga Master Wanted

THE LIFE POWER WITHIN wants to help you transform through compassion and kindness for yourself.  This means that our yoga is focused on you as you are now but it will prepare you, in a slow, safe and comprehensive manner to transition into change. As your mind and body are one, we will not push either to where they are not ready to go. When your mind insists on holding your body tight, we will not force your body into positions – but rather empower your mind with the help of your body, and use your body to help your mind embrace change.

We are searching for a yoga master who is highly skilled in yoga methods which are suitable for the methodology of THE LIFE POWER WITHIN. 

Anneli Wester Yoga

All yoga movement will be instructed at a basic level (including modifications for all needs and abilities).  

Instructors will demonstrate excellence in profession and service.

All instructors must operate their own business.

Instructors are required to have participated in at least one complete session of THE LIFE POWER WITHIN before application. Exception to this is made during 2015. Instead instructors are required to participate in the complete 2015 session of THE LIFE POWER WITHIN event in Malaga, Spain (March 2nd - 8th 2015) as a master trainee and will instruct 3 - 5 yoga sessions over the final three days of the event. 

As a master trainee, instructors will not pay a participation fee for the event. Full board and participation in the event will be paid for by THE LIFE POWER WITHIN.

For further details on the 2015 session of THE LIFE POWER WITHIN event please see

M E D I T A T I O N 
Yoga masters who are also meditation masters are welcome to apply as a combination of yoga and meditation master. 

Anneli Wester Yoga

Your application will include the following information:

1. Name

2. Year of birth

3. Name of your business, country of registration and business registration number

4. Relevant education and examination year

5. Number of yoga sessions held over the past two years and a short description of the focus of these yoga classes in relation to methodology of THE LIFE POWER WITHIN  

6. Description of how you would design yoga sessions for THE LIFE POWER WITHIN event. 

7. If you are also a meditation master include information as in 4-6 according meditation.

Maximum one page (one and a half for combination y/m masters) in English or Swedish sent to Anneli Wester at before March 20, 2015.

Anneli Wester Mindfulness Meditation 


Are you an artist, a hypnotherapist, meditation master or a meditative musician – stay tuned, we will need you in the future!

Läs mer i bloggen

SYRIA will rise again! Del 3

Anneli Wester åker tillbaka syriska gränsen för att hjälpa till med de syriska flyktingarna.

Gömde ju alldeles bort att göra klart det här! Här kommer del 3 från syriska gränsen tidigare i år. Skulle åkt dit igen häromveckan, biljett var köpt och allt, men var tvungen att ställa in. Nästa vecka blir det en sväng tillbaka till Nepal. Men här är tredje del en av resan till syriska gränsen tidigare i år. Jag är i Reyhanli precis vid syriska gränsen, vid den gränsövergång där flest flyktingar lämnat Syrien. 

Jag gör som de andra delarna, lägger in mina Facebookinlägg och bilder. Välkomna att följa mig där, länk längst ner i inlägget. Det är lite mer live-känsla och väldigt mycket mer respons och liv där. 

Här är del 1 och här del 2 för er som vill ta det från början.

SYRIA will rise again! Del 2

Anneli Wester åker tillbaka syriska gränsen för att hjälpa till med de syriska flyktingarna.

Den turk-syriska gränsstationen precis utanför stan är om jag förstått det rätt den gränsstation där flest flyktingar tagit sig ut ur Syrien. De flesta tar sig vidare. En del stannar här. Startar ett nytt liv. 

SYRIA will rise again! Del 1

Anneli Wester åker tillbaka syriska gränsen och bloggar på plats!

Packar. Minipackning. Det blev inte ens 5 kilo. Och hälften behöver jag egentligen inte. Funderar på att köra micropackning och slänga ut den halvan.

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