Men Niklas, en utredning är inte en grupp där alla ska ha sina representanter. Då blri det snart mycket otympligt (se tex WHO och FNs klimatpanel). De ska dock inhämta information från olika intressenter i det de utrder. En ganska stor skillnad.
Du anser alltså att de är både partiska och sen struntar i att inhämta information?
Här är forskargruppens uppräkning av intressenter och målgrupper:
-The staff of the SEPA (including the Council for Outdoor Recreation) -
Other authorities – such as the National Board of Forestry, the Youth Council, the Institute
for Public Health, the National Housing Board. -
Outdoor recreation organizations –
FRISAM (incl. 19 members’ organizations, such as STF,
Friluftsfrämjandet, Scoutrådet, Cykelfrämjandet, Sportfiskarna etc.) -
Journalists with an interest in outdoor recreation and nature-based tourism (local, national
and specialist media) -
County administrative boards (persons with responsibilities for outdoor recreation and land
use planning) -
Local municipalities and authorities (persons with responsibilities for outdoor recreation and
land use planning) -
Companies (outfitters, equipment providers, tourism businesses etc) -
Politicians and departments with an interest in outdoor recreation and nature-based tourism -
Outdoor recreation educations (teachers) -
Forest and land managers –
Sveaskog, LRF, Skogssällskapet and others -
Researchers /Research colleges within outdoor recreation and nature-based tourism -
Schools and nurseries with an interest in outdoor recreation and nature-based tourism -
National and regional tourism organizations -
Committed general public