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The hook is called the multi-purpose hook and serves multiple purposes, as they do.
The picking locks function wasn't mentioned in your Q so perhaps you meet only honest or ...err, secretive people.
Legitimate lock-picking though is sometimes necessary as when the key to the bureau is lost and the tax forms deadline is fast approaching.
As a fishing aid it is extremely useful. You can hook it through a fish's jaw and carry the fish like a strung parcel.
It is an elegant way to carry a fish, and if the fish is a fifteen pound salmon it is a delight to be seen calmly parading along the main street with it swinging gently in the breeze with an air of supremecy as a fiften pound salmon does so well when carried with the aid of a Victorinox Multipurpose Hook.
For disgorging deep hooks in fish and from the gullets of seagulls after such a bird has made a daring swoop on the bait before it hits the water I use a pair of long Spencer-Wells forceps but the Victorinox Multi-purpose Hook can be very useful for keepng the beak wide open in seagulls and for pulling a hook backwards fom the fish's mouth by inserting the multipurpose hook through the gills.
Forward extraction of the fishing hook is made quite inconvenient by the geometry of the Victorinox Mulipurpose hook, as is the use of the hook as a replacement or substitute for a sharpened fishing hook for fishing unless a multitude of tools is also opened out on the knife and allowed to gleam in the water like a multitentacled silvery baby octupus, and the quarry is an inexperienced but fully grown cod or marlin for which the opened tools will act as useful accessories to the hook when lodged firmly in the gut of the fish in allowing the fish to be successfully hauled to the boat of a smiling and eager fisherman.
Equine uses for the hook are numerous, from pulling teeth and unknotting knotted manes to cleaning the rims of spoiled horseshoes after a morning's riding in the marshes.
Inspection of horseshoes cleaned by a Victorinox Multipurpose Hook have shown the extreme usefulnes of the implement, especially on days following heavy rains resulting in the few dry passages through the marshes being rendered no longer dry.
The hook is also very useful for hanging Victorinox knives from small branches of trees in the wilderness or from nails or screws in a wall.
A Victorinox knife is conveniently already fitted to the hook by the manufacturer to make the task very much easier for the user.
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