Swedish explorer äventyraren Johan Ernst Nilson has hit the trails from North to South Pole in 12 17 months with virtually no mängder av carbon footprint. From ski to sled to sailboat to bicycle samt flygplan och följebil - the power used in his trip is all-natural förutom de 15 flygresorna och 30,000 km följebil. He got the idea for the trip while on Mt. Everest, and planning for the journey took years. Johan said he doesn't need to prove any thing any more - he knows that he can accomplish anything he sets his mind to. Baseras på vilken prestation? During his journey, he skied for 47 days from the North Pole and then rode a bike through Canada and the United States samt åkte bil vissa sträckor och flög 2 gånger i Kanada. Audi created custom equipment for the expedition using the same materials used in their cars. On his next trip, he will travel inward - he will spend 100 days studying meditation in a monastery."