Nationell långfärdsskridskotidning

Re: besviken

markh; sa:
Ocksa markligt att de rekommenderade Bore isdubbar, som Friliuftsliv beskrev i sin test som "skrackexempel".
Kan hålla med om det. Känns som att de företag som betalat pengar fått sina produkter uppvisade. Det är väl en finansiell sak för att få ihop ekonomin. Jag ser hellre en utveckling mindre glättighet (allt behöver inte vara färg ens), mer djup och mindre reklam, men då blir väl läsarkretsen mindre, antar jag.

Hej Peter!

Do you think if I "sätt in 49 kronor på pg 128198-9", they will send a copy to Amsterdam?


(I can read Swedish now but writing is still difficult)
Re: magazine


Do you think if I "sätt in 49 kronor på pg 128198-9", they will send a copy to Amsterdam?

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Re: Re: magazine

Hi Rob!
Welcome to the Forum.

I agree, you better contact the Magazine before paying. I guess they gladly will help you.

If not, contact me and I will assist you.

Maybe you can contribute next year with an international perspecitve?


Jag har gjord det igår, asking them what the costs are to send a copy to Amsterdam. Tack.

If I get an answer, I can ask if they are willing to have an "international touch". Maybe I can write a short story about how it is to "switch" from the Dutch unsafe way of skating to the Swedish "Volvo" safe way of tourskating.

Re: Re: besviken

kr-val; sa:
markh; sa:
Ocksa markligt att de rekommenderade Bore isdubbar, som Friliuftsliv beskrev i sin test som "skrackexempel".
Kan hålla med om det. Känns som att de företag som betalat pengar fått sina produkter uppvisade. Det är väl en finansiell sak för att få ihop ekonomin. Jag ser hellre en utveckling mindre glättighet (allt behöver inte vara färg ens), mer djup och mindre reklam, men då blir väl läsarkretsen mindre, antar jag.

Bläddrade i ett ex igår. Måste säga att det var skåpmat som serverades. Ingenting som man inte får ihop på 2 timmars surf på klubbsidor, isplank och här på Utsidan. Fick känslan av att det handlade om att sälja skinnet en gång till. Jag är absolut ingen erfaren skridsoåkare men jag kunde likväl snabbt konstatera att jag inte fick några nya insikter där.

"Bra tänkt" som tränarn sa när man slog felpass
Re: magazine

RobM; sa:
If I get an answer, I can ask if they are willing to have an "international touch". Maybe I can write a short story about how it is to "switch" from the Dutch unsafe way of skating to the Swedish "Volvo" safe way of tourskating.


I was skating in Holland when you had last time(1997) the famous 11 town race. It was a celebration on ice everywhere in the country. I asked why are you not using icepicks, the answer was you don´t need them if you ware woolen gloves. Those days I had telemark boots with free heels. I saw very first time SNS-skiboots used as klaps-skates, since that I have had such too.
Re: magazine

pekvirk; sa:
I was skating in Holland when you had last time(1997) the famous 11 town race. It was a celebration on ice everywhere in the country.

Nice to hear! I did that Elfstedentocht in 1997. It took me exactly 13 hours and 5 minutes to skate the total 200km.

After 1997, in Holland I skated only about 10 short trips in 7 years. Last year, I met a Swedish guy on Ankeveen in Holland. Because the ice was thin, we had our full equipment. But everyone else hadn't, and in Holland when there is ice, it gets crowded. We felt like aliens..

That's why I and some friends come to Sweden each year, since 1998. With thanks to Krister, Peter and Morgan, who showed us the safe way of skating.

Did anyone else skate in Holland in the past?
Magazine in Holland

I have received an answer that costs to send a copy to Amsterdam is 49 kr + 26 kronor extra for mailingcost. I do that and look forward to get one.
Re: Re: magazine

RobM; sa:
Nice to hear! I did that Elfstedentocht in 1997. It took me exactly 13 hours and 5 minutes to skate the total 200km.

After 1997, in Holland I skated only about 10 short trips in 7 years. Last year, I met a Swedish guy on Ankeveen in Holland. Because the ice was thin, we had our full equipment. But everyone else hadn't, and in Holland when there is ice, it gets crowded. We felt like aliens..

That's why I and some friends come to Sweden each year, since 1998. With thanks to Krister, Peter and Morgan, who showed us the safe way of skating.

Did anyone else skate in Holland in the past?

Hi Rob,

Regarding the Elfstedentocht, I know 8 swedes that did the tourtocht. Of the 8 that started 7 finished the tour.
I did it in just under 12 hours.
Without question the best sportactivity that I have participated in. Truly great to skate in to Franeker and have a crowd of 20.000 people or more to greet me, I still get goosebumps on my arms when I think of it!
And no to mention all of the good skating we were able to do in Frisland the days before and after the race.

Next time you have good skating conditions in the Netherlands I'm cooming down to skate and have a meal in a "kluncafe"!!!

Patrik Claesson
Re: Re: Re: Magazine

erapcla; sa:
Next time you have good skating conditions in the Netherlands I'm cooming down to skate and have a meal in a "kluncafe"!!!

Patrik Claesson

Hej Patrik,

As soon as there are good skating conditions, you are most welcome to come down. I will try to post in this forum when any lake is good here. Just mail me then, and I can help you out if you want.

(Took some time to answer, because I just got back from a whole week of perfect skating in Sweden!)

Skating Greetings, Rob.

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