Beautiful and remote packraft / kayak route in Sweden?

Hello, can you help me to find a really beautiful and remote river/lake route in Sweden?
  • My most important goal is to see scenic beauty. And I like routes that are rather long and remote, not running next to a road.
  • There is no time limit and the level of difficulty (whitewater) is not important.
  • Routes that include several rivers with trekking in between are possible.
  • My boat is a classic expedition kayak (4 kg, 2,70m) with self bailing that has done many tours on bear country rivers. I carry around rapids above class 3.
I plan to start mid July from Norway. Looking at the map I found, for example:

Sulitelma - trekking to Pieskehaure - Piteälven - finish at Storforsen
Trekking from Norway - Laisälven - finish at Vindelälven
Trekking from Norway - Rostojärvi - Rostoeatnu - Lainioälven - finish at Torneälven
Trekking from Ritsem - Autajaure - Teusajaure - Trekking to Kaitumjaure - Kaitumälven - Kalixälven - finish in Tärendö

(I have been trekking at Kaitumjaure and upper Kaitumälven before and this is a good example for a very beautiful and remote area that I liked. However I don't know how interesting Kaitumälven would be below Kaitum village.)

These are just examples. Any comments and alternative suggestions are welcome. If you can recomend a beautiful route and maybe have a link to a foto report, that would be really excellent help. And if you can advise against a certain route, that is also helpful information for me.
Many thanks!
There are many possibilities. Some more long and difficult wildernessroutes that I have heard of .... On larger lakes you might get a headwind and bad weather, so plan for extra days.

Start Abisko. Hike to Vistasjokka, raft to Nikkaluokta, hike to Tjuonajåkk and continue on Kaitum.

Start Årrenjarka on the road to Kvikkjokk. Raft & hike S to Peuraure. Paddle back to Jokkmokk via Karats & Pärlälven.

Hike from Sulitelma to Pieskehaure. Paddle back as far as you like, eventually reaching Piteälven. Or hike Kungsleden S from Västerfjäll, rafting & hiking to Jäkkvik.

Be sure to post a story here after !
I would recommend Rogen. This is a small lake that has given name to the Rogen Nature Reserve. Two Britons were there some time last year and have made some films about the experience.

The Swede Peter Persson has some videos where he goes canoeing/packrafting in various places in Sweden. All his films are in Swedish, but the views in them may be enough to let you know whether or not that particular place is interesting or not. If you have any questions, just ask them in English and I am certain that someone will give you an answer. And if nothing else, you can use Google Translate to translate the video titles and descriptions to English, so you get a little info on the video and possibly area.
Hello. Since you have found some of the major water ways already I can only add two more suggestions.
1:Start at Tjaktjajavvre and paddle the Rapa Ändno upstream to Nammasj = as far as it is allowed to go. It is both very senic and very remote. The best way in is to use the most north ”arm” and go via the small lakes in the delta. A rather short tripp but perhaps the best I have done.
2: The perhaps most remote tripp you can do is to paddle the Sjaunjaädno thru Sjaunja. This is just south of Kaitum. But the this is of course a much less dramatic landscape.
Of your own suggestions I would have aimed for the first one. I have only hiked in that area, but it is really very nice. And if you have time for some back-tracking Mavasjaure is really beatiful.
/ Stefan
Start Abisko. Hike to Vistasjokka, raft to Nikkaluokta, hike to Tjuonajåkk and continue on Kaitum.

Start Årrenjarka on the road to Kvikkjokk. Raft & hike S to Peuraure. Paddle back to Jokkmokk via Karats & Pärlälven.

Hike from Sulitelma to Pieskehaure. Paddle back as far as you like, eventually reaching Piteälven. Or hike Kungsleden S from Västerfjäll, rafting & hiking to Jäkkvik.

Thank you very much, I have put Pärlälven on my list to check out, looks quite interesting.
Vistasjokka: I was trekking along this river upwards from Vistasstugan, this is really a wonderful valley!
I would recommend Rogen. This is a small lake that has given name to the Rogen Nature Reserve. Two Britons were there some time last year and have made some films about the experience.

The Swede Peter Persson has some videos where he goes canoeing/packrafting in various places in Sweden.

Good info, thanks a lot. To Rogen I will definitely go sometime, actually I planned to go there next winter on ski but it looks to be a very good place for paddling, too.
1:Start at Tjaktjajavvre and paddle the Rapa Ändno upstream to Nammasj = as far as it is allowed to go. It is both very senic and very remote.
2: The perhaps most remote tripp you can do is to paddle the Sjaunjaädno thru Sjaunja. This is just south of Kaitum. But the this is of course a much less dramatic landscape.

As for Sarek / Rapaädno - I know that place already from trekking and no doubt it's world class beauty. Sjaunjaädno I will check out. A couple of years ago I was trekking a bit through Sjaunja and as you say, it feels really remote. I actually liked very much this landscape with wide open horizons. Good recommendation, thanks. Probably mid August would be a good time to avoid most of the bugs.
Thanks to everybody so far for these useful recommendations. If you like long and remote river tours, some foto reports can be found here. A list of river+trekking tours, incl. a few from Sweden, are shown when you klick "Meine Reisen" below the avatar.
Hello again. According to what I have read the best time to paddle Sjaunja ädno is early in the season during spring melt, so it might be on the shallow side in August.
But if you like winter trips as well then crossing Sjaunja on skis, which I have done twice, is very nice indeed. And it is even more lonely there in winter.
/ Stefan
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