Telemarksbindningens och pjäxornas historia?

Är det någon som vet någonting om telemarksbindningens histoia?
När kom nordic norm 75mm fram?
När kom de första plastpjäxorna ut på marknaden?
jag gjorde ett historiaarbete om telemark för nåt halvår sen. Där skrev jag om bindningarna och pjäxorna lite grann. Jag kan se om jag hittar det sen när jag kommer hem.

Scarpa var först i början av 90-talet

Hittade detta:

Scarpa - Made in Italy for decades, this was the first plastic telemark boot to be released to the public in the early 90's. Black Diamond distributes Scarpa to dealers in the USA, and provide excellent support (better than many manufacturers do with their own products). Scarpa boots are generally thought to be the narrowest overall, with roomy toes, low volume in the heel area, and medium clearance for your instep. The footbeds are the best of the three brands, but still pretty lame compared to even generic $30 Superfeet.

T-3 - 2 buckles, geared for low angle backcountry touring.
T-2 - 3 buckles, new for 2002, all-around lightweight boot for less aggressive skiers.
T-1 - 3 buckles, beefy, tall boot for aggressive skiing.
T-Race - 3 buckles, and the stiffest Scarpa boot, similar to the feel of an alpine boot. We don't know many people skiing these.

Garmont - Made in Italy for decades (get used to this statement), released the second plastic telemark boot to the public in 1996. Like Scarpa, Garmont has made major improvements since early models. Garmont is famous for their soft and smooth flex at the ball of your foot. Garmont boots generally are medium to high volume, with medium forefoot width, the highest instep clearance, and medium volume behind the ankle.

Excursion - unique double plastic touring boot to replace your old leather boots.
Libero - Two buckle. Like T-3 and CXA, for low angle touring.
Veloce - Two buckle model great for learning. Very comfortable.
Gara - Three buckles, 10% stiffer, 10% heavier than Veloce. Versatile.
Synergy - Stiffer, lighter, less expensive high performance 3-buckle
Ener-G - 03 version of Squadra, slight changes and same flex.

Crispi - Also a long time Italian telemark boot manufacturer. Crispi held out the longest to release plastic (1998). Crispi has the lowest volume in the rear, the lowest in-step clearance, and the widest forefoot area. The liners are luxuriously comfortable, but not lightweight or heat moldable. Ample toe room, and and only a few complaints of toe pinch. Crispi has very low instep clearance, which is the main reason why we have slowed down our ordering. If your foot is very low profile, and wide, great! It seems to be the men’s boot that has the low clearance problem, more often than the women’s.
CXP - versatile 3 buckle mid-sized boot provides excellent performance.
CXR - Tall, laterally stiff boots that are surprisingly comfy. 4 buckles.
CXU - stiffer version of CXR.
