Kungsleden February 2009

Hello from the Aleutian Islands of Alaska. (sorry my Swedish is very poor)

I am returning to Sweden this February to ski trek the Kungsleden. I will be going South from Hemavan to Abisko in the north. I was there two years ago and did the same trip (http://www.i907.net) This is my third visit trekking in Sweden..

I arrive in Stockholm, 25th, February and fly to Hemavan the 27th February and will only have to get fuel for stove and I'm on the trail that day.

IF anyone will be on the trail during that time, I'd like to say hello or if anyone is interested in trekking parts with me (or I could join you) I would be happy to give you my itinerary. Primarily though I trek alone.

The one stretch of trail that I am least familiar with is from Ammarnas to Jakkvik and on to Kvikkjokk - If anyone has GPS location for old huts or shelters on the stretch, please send. I will not be sleeping in the STF hut unless it is emergency.

Also if anyone is going to be on the trail around that time, please let me know or feel free to be invited!


Dan Young
Dutch Harbor, Alaska
Home of the Deadliest Catch & Alaska King Crab
Oh, so it was the 27th of February and not March that you were going to start! Then I should indeed be in (or around) Aktse when you get there, so do say hi :)

As for coordinates, I have this (WGS-84):

Sjnjultje (shelter): 65°51'58"N, 15°29'37"E
Badasjåkkå (shelter): 66°16'55"N, 16°29'35"E
Pieljekaise (overnight cabin*): 66°21'09"N, 16°50'02"E
Vuonatjviken (settlement**): 66°29'29"N, 17°14'36"E
Tjäurakåtan (Sámi-style hut): 66°39'30"N, 17°17'07"E
Tsielekjåkk (overnight shelter): 66°50'36"N, 17°35'30"E

* the bedroom is locked with a key acquired in either Adolfsström or Jäkkvik
** offering accommodation: homepage

See you in March! :cool:

Ahh excellent - Good then most likely I will see you there.

Thanks for the coordinates - will plug them in on the map and my google earth map.
as I pass through Adolfsstrom where should I ask about the key? I am guessing then I could return it in Jakkvik? (where?)

When I was there last the hut at Sjnjultje was burned down? was it rebuilt?

Thanks again Kalle

See you in March


Oh, so it was the 27th of February and not March that you were going to start! Then I should indeed be in (or around) Aktse when you get there, so do say hi :)

As for coordinates, I have this (WGS-84):

Sjnjultje (shelter): 65°51'58"N, 15°29'37"E
Badasjåkkå (shelter): 66°16'55"N, 16°29'35"E
Pieljekaise (overnight cabin*): 66°21'09"N, 16°50'02"E
Vuonatjviken (settlement**): 66°29'29"N, 17°14'36"E
Tjäurakåtan (Sámi-style hut): 66°39'30"N, 17°17'07"E
Tsielekjåkk (overnight shelter): 66°50'36"N, 17°35'30"E

* the bedroom is locked with a key acquired in either Adolfsström or Jäkkvik
** offering accommodation: homepage

See you in March! :cool:

as I pass through Adolfsstrom where should I ask about the key? I am guessing then I could return it in Jakkvik? (where?)

Adolfströms Handelsbod gives out keys at a stated price of 150 SEK/bed/night. Whether they have some kind of partnership with some place in Jäkkvik I wouldn't know, but I suggest you send them an e-mail and ask. Perhaps they prefer return-by-post...

When I was there last the hut at Sjnjultje was burned down? was it rebuilt?

Not rebuilt as much as replaced. The old cabin was if I remember correctly similar to the Pieljekaise one, with locked bedrooms, but the new one is just an ordinary shelter where overnight stays (at least as far as the wood supply is concerned) are prohibited unless in an emergency. There's a picture of it on this page (above the bird, unpainted). It was erected in late 2007.
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