Winter route between Teusajaure and Saltoluokta

Hej! Sorry for speaking english! Does anyone have experience of this route marked between Teusajaure and Saltoluokta? I plan to ski in late March and I'm a little worried about avalanche risk and if the water is frozen enough. Do you think I am worrying too much? Thanks!
The route is fine and beautiful, particularly the northern valley. It took me exactly 12 hours with skis and a pulk on March 26 2023.

From Saltoluokta you will know if you can ski the lake or if you just have to cross it. The rest should be safe.
Hello. Ola is 100% correct, but it might be good to know that then I did ski there it was quite a lot of snowmobile trafic along that route.

/ Stefan
When I passed there, at some stretches, for instance on Teusajaure, the wind had blown away the snow, so only ice there - I used long skins on my nordic bc skis.
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fred alpiski Kebnekaise "Haute Route" Turskidåkning 7
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