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Kopierade in deras betyg av de objektiv du funderar över. Hoppas i alla fall att det är rätt objektiv. Fanns två olika 70-300/4,5-5,6 med rätt stor skillnad i betygsättningen men det sämre kanske är en utgången modell eftersom jag inte hittar det vare sig på cyberphoto eller scandinavianphoto men köper man begagnat skall man kolla vilket man får. Tog inte med photozones stjärnor eftersom jag tycker att man skall läsa hela testerna. Priserna hittade jag på scandinavianphotos hemsida.
The Nikkor AF 70-300mm f/4-5.6 D ED is a very affordable tele zoom lens with a quite ambitious 300mm setting. It is capable to deliver very good results between 70mm and 200mm but the results are quite soft at 300mm. Lateral CAs are on the high side but distortions and vignetting are very well controlled. Mechanically it is about in line to other consumer grade zoom lenses in this class. The lens is very affordable by now and if your budget is limited it may still worth a look. However, the new AF-S 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6G IF-ED VR is clearly the better lens and choice (at a higher price natally).
Verdict (4 895,00

The Nikkor AF-S 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6G IF-ED VR may not be the Über-lens everybody was hoping for (nor was that realistic) but it is still a very good lens. At 70mm the results are nothing short of stellar and still easily on a very good level at 200mm. At 300mm there´s a performance penalty specifically at the image borders @ f/5.6. Stopping down to f/8 helps to overcome most of the problems but unfortunately there´s also a quite pronounced but still correctable degree of yellow/blue (lateral) CA. Distortions and vignetting are basically non-issues throughout the range. The build quality is pretty decent and about in line this Nikon's recent medium grade zoom lenses. The AF is quite fast and almost silent and unlike most lenses in this league the front-element does not rotate during focusing nor zooming. The pricing of the lens may be relatively steep in absolute terms but price/performance-wise it remains a harmonious package.
Verdict (13 495,00

The Nikkor AF-S 300mm f/4D IF-ED is one of the few near-flawless lenses tested so far. The resolution figures are generally excellent and distortions and vignetting are basically negligible. CAs are very well under control. Adding a Nikkor AF-S 1.4x only results in a moderate decrease in resolution (about one school mark). The mechanical quality of the Nikkor is exceptionally high and it was a joy to use this lens in the field. Highly recommended!