Re: Sortiment
Kikar du lite noggrannare ser du att man visst kan få de lättare modellerna med huva...
Jag mailade Phdesigns om prisuppgift på måttbeställd jacka och fick följande svar;
Hello Michael
The only measurement which seems unusual is your inside arm, which is very
long. To make a jacket to fit your arm would cost you 10% extra on the
standard price. (Please make sure that you are giving us the right
measurement: from your armpit to your wrist).
For the Snowbird jkt that would be £119.15 + £11.91 (10%) + £10 (postage).
Total £ 141.06
For the standard Minimus Jkt that would be £115.74 + £11.57 + £10.
Total £137.31
You can't order a special size directly on the website. You can give us the
order by email, fax or phone. We will also need to know your credit card
number with the order.
Best regards
Peter Hutchinson
Mao måttbeställd jacka levererad och klar för under 2000:-, med huva
Pask; sa:PH Designs ( ) jackor med huva väger alla över 1000 g, de lättare modellerna är utan huva.
Kikar du lite noggrannare ser du att man visst kan få de lättare modellerna med huva...
Jag mailade Phdesigns om prisuppgift på måttbeställd jacka och fick följande svar;
Hello Michael
The only measurement which seems unusual is your inside arm, which is very
long. To make a jacket to fit your arm would cost you 10% extra on the
standard price. (Please make sure that you are giving us the right
measurement: from your armpit to your wrist).
For the Snowbird jkt that would be £119.15 + £11.91 (10%) + £10 (postage).
Total £ 141.06
For the standard Minimus Jkt that would be £115.74 + £11.57 + £10.
Total £137.31
You can't order a special size directly on the website. You can give us the
order by email, fax or phone. We will also need to know your credit card
number with the order.
Best regards
Peter Hutchinson
Mao måttbeställd jacka levererad och klar för under 2000:-, med huva