Malindo; sa:
Hallà där Lars:
bidde det nâgot svar frân Schoeller?
Jodå, de svarade mycket utförligt. Det är tillverkarna som styr färgvalet (så klart utifrån vad de anser sälja bäst - och vi i Norden är konservativa i våra färgval!):
Dear Lars Andersson
Thanks for your mail dated 02.03.2004 !
Regarding dryskin fabric and soft shell jackets :
In fact our colour cards are nearly unlimited - but with certain
minimums for production resp. for the dying process.
And the garment-manufacturers are in fact deciding which colours
will be in their collection.
And I belive that they are hardly trying to offer the best selling colours,
hence, in Scandinavia the best selling colours are still rather standard-
colours like black/navy/grey/ brown/dark-green etc.
Some of the garment-manufacturers are trying sometimes to put
some new colours in the collections, but not always with success
(because the nordic people are at least colourwise slightly more
concervative than for example french or italien consumers).
However, actually there are also some Swedish companies which go
more colourful (for sure next season), a good example is certainly "SOS".
Mit freundlichem Gruss / With best regards / Meilleures Salutations
Schoeller Textil AG
Thomas Wyss
Schoeller Textil AG