SKM och point 65

Point65°N och Roder

På Engelska,...bode inte var en problem eller?

After having red three pages of discussion about ethics, rudder designs and fooling consumers I thought it would be 'lagom' to add a few lines from the source of this debate...

I am the man in the picture paddling the red XP on a sunny day at Höga Kusten. I paddle the XP not only for fun, but it is also a part of work as I am employed by Point65°N.

During the first few years Point has focussed on delivering Glass fiber Sea Kayaks for the lowest price possible. However from last year we started to change course by developping our first own kayak together with Johan Wirsen. It became the XP. This year all our models (two and soon three to be precise) are our own products which we completelty stand behind!

Since we develop our own kayaks we obviously have to believe in them ourselves. This means that any shortcoming we see as a challenge to solve and to improve! We still have a pricing strategy of course, but design and quality has become of a higher importance as only price. I have not met anyone on the water paddling an XP that did not like it. Neither have I ever spoken to one on dryland that didn't like the looks of her/him. This means that the kayak works! It is proven fast, stable and good looking. BUT she is not perfect yet and we are aware of it! I know the rudder is dragging when speeding! Not when paddling at cruising speed, but yes, when surfing or pressing a bit harder it comes up to about 45° and that's not good.
We mention this to our customers, but we also point out that this Navigator rudder is a very practical one. Easy to deploy and retract and nearly 100% hassle free. Anyway it is great to get so much feedback from you guys and we are definately working on the problem!
Achieving a solid heelrest and a rudderblade that stays in place is what we are working on.

Erik!, I have not met you but I appreciate your website and your not always subtle point of view.
As you I am a fanatic in persuing high speeds on the water by means of muscle power. I spend over 12 hours a week on the water (rowing) and this gives me a good feeling for how a good hullshape should behave. I would like to invite you to come over to Point and share your visions and experiences with us. Further I would really like you to test the Point XP yourself and hear you reaction. Just for the sake of imrpoving our products and meeting new people.
Hei Erik, takk for sist
Leste ditt innlegg om XP, og vurderinger i forbindelse med mellomtider på SKM. Jeg har ikke teste XP, men paddlet sammen med Westlen i ca 20 km før Baggen. Jeg vet lite om sleperoret på XP, men registrerte at det drog ut til ca 45 grader ved høy fart. Padlet selv Ocean X, og så at min båt var vesentlig raskere en XP'en. Westlen måtte jobbe hardt for å holde farten oppe, og fikk ettehvert betale prisen for å ligge med for høy intensitet på langløp. Den store differansen i tid etter Baggen skyldes nok i all hovedsak fartspotensialet i båtens skrog. Litt kan kanskje tilskrives valg av rorløsning. Håper selv å teste en XP ved anledning.
Vi ses......
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