Resa till Kvikkjokk

Dusch finns inte i trebädds sovkupé, möjligen kanske i ett skrymsle i vagnens ände bredvid toaletten men de vagnar som rullar är tillverkade på 70 och 80-talet så inget nytt direkt. Vet mycket väl att liggplats kan bli lite billigare men pga att SJ släppte bokningen så sent hade vi blivit utspridda över fler kupéer vilket inte var vad vi såg fram mot.
Hem hade vi redan bokat flyg från Luleå sedan lång tid tillbaka (billigare än tåget även om vi inkluderade alla anslutningar från Suorva till Luleå).
Då vi skulle starta vid Sitoälvbron och avsluta vid Suorva var inte bil praktiskt, och som redan konstaterats bilkostnaden är mer än bara bensin. Dessutom extra resdag både upp och ner då man inte kör Göteborg-Kvikkjokk ca 140 mil på skumpiga inlandsvägar på en dag.
"Möjligen kanske"?. Du vet inte?
"Möjligen kanske"?. Du vet inte?
Jag har ett svagt minne av att det kan ha varit en dörr och skylt med dusch på ett utrymme stort som en garderob bredvid toaletten i vagnens ena ände, men inget vi kollade närmare efter. Vi var ju på väg till fjällen och nyduschade hemifrån.
En trebädds sovkupé är ju annars precis som en halv 6-bädds liggkupe med enda undantag att sovkupen har ett litet tvättställ.
Jag har ett svagt minne av att det kan ha varit en dörr och skylt med dusch på ett utrymme stort som en garderob bredvid toaletten i vagnens ena ände, men inget vi kollade närmare efter. Vi var ju på väg till fjällen och nyduschade hemifrån.
En trebädds sovkupé är ju annars precis som en halv 6-bädds liggkupe med enda undantag att sovkupen har ett litet tvättställ.
Men en sovkupe' har väl sängar och sängkläder. En liggkupe har väl bara britsar?
Men en sovkupe' har väl sängar och sängkläder. En liggkupe har väl bara britsar?
Finns även sovkupé 1klass för en person, men trebädds sovkupé 2klass är precis som ena sidan i en liggkupe. En soffa och en överbrits, soffans ryggstöd fälls upp till mittenbrits. Ingen komfort i övrigt, varför prisskillnaden mellan detta alternativ och liggkupe är ganska liten om man är tre personer.
Jag kollade nu på en resa för tre personer Göteborg-Kvikkjokk ca 2v fram i tiden. Totalpris med liggkupe är 6300kr, med egen 2klass sovkupé 6600kr, så skillnad på 100kr/person.
Men en sovkupe' har väl sängar och sängkläder. En liggkupe har väl bara britsar?
I liggvagnen finns lakan som man bäddar med. Jag har inte åkt sovvagn sedan 80-talet, så jag vet inte huruvida britsarna är mjukare i sovvagnskupéerna eller inte. På Vy-tåg finns en annan skillnad mellan ligg- och sovvagnskupéer: i sovvagnarna finns Wifi. Jag kommer inte ihåg hur SJ har det med den saken.
I liggvagnen finns lakan som man bäddar med. Jag har inte åkt sovvagn sedan 80-talet, så jag vet inte huruvida britsarna är mjukare i sovvagnskupéerna eller inte. På Vy-tåg finns en annan skillnad mellan ligg- och sovvagnskupéer: i sovvagnarna finns Wifi. Jag kommer inte ihåg hur SJ har det med den saken.
Det är samma vagnar som SJ resp VY använder. Vagnarna ägs av Trafikverket.
Det är samma typ av britsar och sängkläder i liggkupe resp 2kl sovkupé. Bara att du har kupén för dig, ditt sällskap och bagage för dig själv och kan låsa kupén om du ex går till restaurangvagnen. Är ni även som i vårt fall ett mixat sällskap och det är slut på plats i mixad liggkupe är en 2kl sovkupé ett alternativ om ni vill resa ihop.
Senast ändrad:
I am following this discussion as I am also interested in taking this trip. I had some questions.

About train versus plane.
Even if a plane is less expensive, wouldn't those savings be eliminated by the additional cost of an overnight hotel stay on the way which is not necessary if sleeping on the train?

However there have been some comments on how unreliable the train is. How much of a problem is this? I am coming from overseas so I am not familiar with the Swedish rail system.

Also, while it seems that stove fuel is often carried on the train, isn't alcohol or gas canister fuel available at the destination? As I would be flying in from overseas, bringing it from home is not an option. Could I assume I could get fuel at the trailhead? If not, I would need to make plans to get supplies on the way.
I am following this discussion as I am also interested in taking this trip. I had some questions.

About train versus plane.
Even if a plane is less expensive, wouldn't those savings be eliminated by the additional cost of an overnight hotel stay on the way which is not necessary if sleeping on the train?

However there have been some comments on how unreliable the train is. How much of a problem is this? I am coming from overseas so I am not familiar with the Swedish rail system.

Also, while it seems that stove fuel is often carried on the train, isn't alcohol or gas canister fuel available at the destination? As I would be flying in from overseas, bringing it from home is not an option. Could I assume I could get fuel at the trailhead? If not, I would need to make plans to get supplies on the way.

It's been a while since I took the overnight train north, but then I really liked it. Taking it easy and seeing the nature change as you get further north and closer to the mountains. Nice trip worth doing in itself. Nowdays it seems it's more expensive, harder to book, and less reliable. Still, it's a great trip.

For some trailheads there might be a mountain station and a small shop, where it's possible to buy fuel. Otherwise you have to go into the last town.
I am following this discussion as I am also interested in taking this trip. I had some questions.

About train versus plane.
Even if a plane is less expensive, wouldn't those savings be eliminated by the additional cost of an overnight hotel stay on the way which is not necessary if sleeping on the train?

However there have been some comments on how unreliable the train is. How much of a problem is this? I am coming from overseas so I am not familiar with the Swedish rail system.

Also, while it seems that stove fuel is often carried on the train, isn't alcohol or gas canister fuel available at the destination? As I would be flying in from overseas, bringing it from home is not an option. Could I assume I could get fuel at the trailhead? If not, I would need to make plans to get supplies on the way.
Kvikkjokk is not reliable when it comes to supplies of any kind, which is problematic both for through hikers and when flying in to start there. You may find gas canisters left by hikers ending their trip, I saw a lot of them outside the main building, but to be certain I would plan to buy fuel before catching the bus to go to Kvikkjokk.
Most other trailheads can, however, be relied on to have fuel.
I am following this discussion as I am also interested in taking this trip. I had some questions.

About train versus plane.
Even if a plane is less expensive, wouldn't those savings be eliminated by the additional cost of an overnight hotel stay on the way which is not necessary if sleeping on the train?
Why not use the tent?
However there have been some comments on how unreliable the train is. How much of a problem is this? I am coming from overseas so I am not familiar with the Swedish rail system.
The Swedish rail system is not very realible. And theres not many busses. But if you manage to buy the ticket all the way to kvikkjokk with SJ Resplus they will make sure you reach kvikkjokk with taxi if needed.
Also ask here when you start to look for tickets. Things change and maybe there is new info then that you need. It can be hard to figure out from just reading the website. I had a few expensive lessons.

Also, while it seems that stove fuel is often carried on the train, isn't alcohol or gas canister fuel available at the destination? As I would be flying in from overseas, bringing it from home is not an option. Could I assume I could get fuel at the trailhead? If not, I would need to make plans to get supplies on the way.

You can buy stove fuel in Jokkmokk. Team Sportia have gas canisters but Im sure there is other stores that also have it.

Problem is if the train/bus there is late maybe there will be no time. You might find one in kvikkjokk but what if you dont?

I always brought them with me on the train. Everyone i know do that I had no clue it wasnt allowed. And i did read the rules. I hope it is not super important, they’re not making an effort to spread the word..

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