Ozie ny version för 60CS


Added preliminary Garmin USB upload/download support for the Garmin 60C and 60CS. There are some things that do not work yet and these will fixed soon.
PVT mode (using USB) for real time tracking is not supported yet.
Getting a specific single route using the OziExplorer Route Editor does not work because the 60 uses names for Routes not numbers.
Added preliminary upload/download support for the Garmin Forerunner. The Forerunner handles tracks a bit different to other models, I am not sure if I have the difference between the saved tracks and active track working properly yet.
Ny Beta version av OziExplorer

Version 3.95.3g2


Garmin USB support now includes the Garmin 2610 and other USB models. If using Garmin USB connection you must tick the "Garmin USB" checkbox on the COM tab in OziExplorer Configuration.
Moving Map PVT mode for USB connections should now work. If using Garmin USB connection you must also tick the "Use PVT for Garmin instead of NMEA" checkbox on the COM tab in OziExplorer Configuration.
Fixed the Symbols for the Garmin 60C/CS.

Per Brune
Ny Beta version av OziExplorer

Version 3.95.3g3 (Beta)

We have written a lot of new functionality for a major new version of OziExplorer we are developing. Since it is taking a while to finish I have decided to add some of these new features into the current version. Note that the help has not been updated for these new features yet.


Support for the Garmin USB gps receivers has been fine tuned, it may support more models now but I have only tested it on a 60CS. Let me know if any models still do not work.
If using a Garmin USB connection you must tick the "Garmin USB" checkbox on the COM tab in OziExplorer Configuration.
Support for Garmin USB PVT mode for moving map has been rewritten and should not lock up.
If using Garmin USB connection you must also tick the "Use PVT for Garmin instead of NMEA" checkbox on the COM tab in OziExplorer Configuration.
If the GPS does not have a fix it does not output any PVT data.
Added support for Maptech .025 map files.
New/Updated Features

New Map Searching dialog, the list of maps in a search are now presented in a new dialog, all the columns can be sorted by clicking on the column header, I find sorting by pixel scale is very useful.
New Printing dialog - allows print preview with selection of the pages you want to print, the area to be printed can now be selected by drawing a box on the main map.
New Track Filtering methodology for reducing the number of points in a track, this is a much better algorithm and gives very good results, also has the ability to specify the number of points required in the track.

Per Brune
Re: Ozie3953g3 fungerar ej

Lasse L; sa:
Får inte senaste versionen att fungera.
Någon med samma erfarenhet?

Vad är det som inte funkar ?

Jag kan i alla fall öppna mina kartor (.rik. .tiff och MrSid). Har ej några Maptech kartor.
Det funkar med att läsa waypoints och trackfiler från min Garmin 60C via USB.
Har ej provat det nya med utskrifterna.

Per Brune
Går ej!

När jag startar senaste versionen av Ozi så stänger den av sig själv efter ca 5 sekunder.

Har XP Pro med SP1.
Ozi i 5 sek

Så fungerar min också.
Har gjort hel nyinstallation som jag uppgraderat, går i 5 sek.
Får köra den äldre så länge.
Det mesta funkae

Jag har Windows 98SE svenskt version med ”alla” uppgraderingar, om det nu har någon betydelse.

Jag brukar skapa en ny katalog vid varje uppgradering. Men för första gången så skapade jag ingen ny katalog när jag installerade den nya versionen av OziExplorer och det funkade. Jag fick dock ingen fråga om vilken språkversion jag ville ha, kanhända det beror på att det är en Beta version. Jag tyckte den första svenska versionen var så dåligt översatt, så jag har fortsättningsvis skippat den svenska versionen. Dessutom tog den svenska version 2-3 gånger så lång tid att starta som den engelska

En sak som jag inte får att funka längre är ”find Map West/ South /East / North of this Map” (verktyget mellan Info och Index), där får jag felmeddelandet ”Invalid filename”

Det nya ”New Map Searching” har jag ännu inte hittat.

Per Brune

[Ändrat av Brune 2004-06-07 kl 23:38]
Nu funkar det!

Fick följande meddelande från Des under natten:

"Hi Ola,

Give it another try, I just put a new version there, I have not changed the version number yet, still g3.

Des Newman"

Fantastisk support den killen ger!

Pixelangivelserna i tabellen över alla kartor är en jättebra förbättring!
Ny Betaversion OziExplorer 3.95.3g4


Development Version 3.95.3g4 (July-2004)
Note that the help has not been updated for these new features yet.


More fine tuning of the Garmin USB interface code, fixed various minor problems.
Added support for the new waypoint and track protocols used in the Garmin 172C and 178C.
Added the Lambert Conformal Conic map projection to the DRG (map image) import dialog - this is relatively untested.
Added the ability to specify meters or feet in the DRG (map image) import dialog - this has had very limited testing. If you specify feet then you must also use feet for any of the projection parameters which require a distance.

New/Updated Features

New software called the "Map Merging Utility" is now available to merge maps together and create a new map for use in OziExplorer which is a mosaic of many maps. This is available for download on the Map Merging Utility page.
The number of waypoints has been increased to 10,000. This involved a lot of code rewriting so you may find errors and inconsistencies, these will be fixed as they are found.
The Waypoint list is now floating and can be left open while manipulating waypoints on the map.
The Mapview window can now be made larger than the previous version (just drag the borders to resize, the dragging looks a little messy right now but that will be fixed).
The image in the Mapview window is now of better quality for all map image types. To obtain the better quality you must have the "Create Map Thumbnail" option ticked on the Maps tab in OziExplorer configuration. The thumbnails are saved in the System Files folder and are shared with the "Map Merging utility" if it is installed in the OziExplorer folder.

Per Brune
Funkar dåligt

Det nya med Mapview window generar en massa fel för mig, så det blev till att skriva ett brev till Des.

Får inte en enda karta att fungera, förutom MrSid från NASA.

Per Brune
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