Food and train tickets for Kungsleden (Nikkaluokta-Abisko) hike

Hi all,

I have some newbie questions about hiking Kungslenden between Nikkaluokta and Abisko (direction to be decided depending on weather forecast).

1) Do the STF mountain cabins sell food suitable for eating on the trail as lunch or only food that requires cooking (e.g. freeze-dried)?

2) When arriving by train from Stockholm can I buy breakfast and lunch at either Kiruna station (it seems to be some way from the town!) or Nikkaluokta or Abisko station?

3) At the end of the hike, can I buy a train ticket back to Stockholm on the spot at Abisko or Kiruna station? If not then I suppose I can buy it online at using my phone, but is the ticket then displayed immediately or emailed?

I'll be going in early July if that makes a difference.
1) Yes most cabins sell food suitable for walking but not all STF cabins do it .
shop assortment

2) You can buy food on the train or in Abisko STF turist station.

[3) You can buy a ticket online and choose to get it as a text message to your phone.
Thanks a lot! Do you know if there is also food sold at Kiruna station or, better yet, Nikkaluokta? By the way, does the bus from Kiruna to Nikkaluokta depart from the train station or do I need to take the shuttle bus to the town centre?
You can buy food in Nikkaloukta they have a restaurant and a small shop (rahter expensive though). The bus(es) to Nikkaloukta depart from the train station.
No food at Kiruna railwaystation, it is some km of walk outside the city and bus station. But at the bus station there is a restaurant and a few more in the city area nearby. In Nikkaluokta there is a restaurant too.
But the bus to Nikkaluokta goes by the railwaystation too.
Look at
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[3) You can buy a ticket online and choose to get it as a text message to your phone.
if you choose a sms ticket you only get a link for your ticket by sms and you need mobile internet onboard to read your ticket.

if you get ticket by email you´ll get a pdf for download an dit works offline

if you can´t show a ticket but have bought one they can usually find your ticket in their machine with your name..
If you download SJs app - you can buy and/or change you reservations in the app even if you have choosen to get the ticket emailed as a PDF.

Consider to book your trainticket to Nikkaloukta, that's called Resplus. ´Cause if your train is delayed a travel guarantee kicks in which means that SJ has to provide you with a new travel plan in order to get you to your final destination.
Thanks for the tips about the tickets! I kind of hoped that, if I have bought a ticket in my name, I probably wouldn't get a fine even if I'm unable to show it due to technical reasons.

.. Kiruna railwaystation, it is some km of walk outside the city and bus station.

Wait, but Ing-Marie said about the buses to Nikkaluokta depart from Kiruna train station. Are you talking about a different bus station there?
Consider to book your trainticket to Nikkaloukta, that's called Resplus. ´Cause if your train is delayed a travel guarantee kicks in which means that SJ has to provide you with a new travel plan in order to get you to your final destination.

This is an important thing to think about. The trains have a tendency to be late in Sweden and it really sucks when sj don't take responsibility for the whole trip. It doesn't care if you show them a bus ticket that you have bought separate, you have to buy everything at once to be protected by their guaranty.
Thanks for the tips about the tickets! I kind of hoped that, if I have bought a ticket in my name, I probably wouldn't get a fine even if I'm unable to show it due to technical reasons.

Wait, but Ing-Marie said about the buses to Nikkaluokta depart from Kiruna train station. Are you talking about a different bus station there?

The bus station is in the middle of the city. The train station some km outside. But the bus to Nikka depart from the train station too, so you dont have to get to the city at all. It's a little mess while they are mooving the whole town.

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