Ängsö NP access

Hi, planning to hike around the Ängsö NP island in 2022 ... is the boat from central Stockholm/Strömkajen (via Blidösundsbolaget company) the only way to reach Ängsö NP ?

Can you reach Ängsö NP from like, taking a boat from somewhere closer to Norrtälje ?

thank you
Ok, so I assume this should be the boat to Ängsö ?

Do you need a permit to get on the Ängsö island? Or you just hop on the boat, go there, hike, and take the return boat in the afternoon?


There are no permits needed. The schedule for the boats changes depending on the month and day of the week, and there are limited return options so you don’t want to be late going back. If you keep an eye on that, you should be good.
As "Struntprat" said, no permits needed. The island is quite small so you will probably have time to see the most of it before it's time to take the boat back. If you don't think one day is enough, there is a camping ground on the northern part of the island. Of course that requires that you bring a tent.

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