Warning : Destoyed skis during American Airlines transport !

  • Trådstartare hans_kauppila@hp.com (Hans)
  • Start datum

hans_kauppila@hp.com (Hans)


Before you send anything ( especially bigger things)with your prefered shipping agent, check their refund/shipping policy!!!

I bought a pair of Telemark Rossignol Toon 10.1 last year(really fun to ski!). Now American Airlines chopped a piece of the tip of one of the skis when I travelled my first ( and only!)time with them. This is "ordinary wear and tear" according to AA !!! They where well packaged in a Salomon ski bag.
Now I sit here with a trashed bag and destoyed skis... :-(

SAS ( and the rest of their alliance) seems to have a reasonable policy).
But I would like to point out American Airlines because they really suck!!!
