Segling til Kina 2010-2011. Vil du være med???

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its quite cold these days. average during day seems to be close to -27C.

Had 2 guys and a girl from stockholm coming up to do some boatwork the last days, but due to impressive cold weather we opted for doing some rig-design inside the house and also sitting in front of the stove and dream about those nice pacific islands, where it never get below +25 degrees and only clothes you need is a t-shirt..... What a life! :)

one life, live it.
detta är verkligen ett fantastiskt projekt!
jag har precis varit där i 2 veckor och jag kan bara rekommendera alla att åka
vi har varit 4-5 personer där nu och alla har varit mycket olika men härliga och intressanta
och när vi inte byggt båt har vi åkt skidor och byggt snögrottor och drömt om vart vi vill segla
hela projektet har på något sätt så mycket kraft i sig och att ha möjlighet att vara en del av det är en fantastiskt känsla
vi ses...
after a few weeks of welding outside, the boat is ready for flipping on thursday/friday this week. A great moment during this project. We have been 4-5 people last weeks. Despite heavy boatwork it has been time for both skiing and igloo-making.
If you are interested in joining this coop we have available space on the farm for more people during end february, march and april.
please contact me if you are interested. You dont need any prior boatbuilding experience, we will teach you what you need to learn.

Fair winds!!

boatbuilding doesent need to be tiresome and boring. here the proud boatbuilders have fun in the snow and even made a kind of igloo to sleep in during the night.
working on welding up inside the boat. its easy 500-600 meters welding to go :)
this boat will be an icebreaker when its finished.

One life,live it.
working on welding up inside the boat. its easy 500-600 meters welding to go :)
this boat will be an icebreaker when its finished.

One life,live it.

What a wonderful idea this project is. I dream about stuff like this, but it is not for me, not just now anyway. I wish you all the best winds and good weather on your journey :)

short update. got help from a canadian girl last week, helping up with the brushing and welding inside. not much left with closing all those seams, thankfully.
Boring but useful work.

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