Nyhetsrapporter om alpin klättring


One Mountain Thousand Summits: The Untold Story of Tragedy and True Heroism on K2

By Freddie Wilkinson, hardcover, 352 pages, NAL Hardcover, list price: $24.95
Freddie Wilkinson, who is himself an experienced climber, also writes a detailed analysis of what transpired during the 2008 season. He offers a different perspective, though, in that he makes a concerted effort to tell the story from the Sherpas' point of view.

In one of the most dramatic scenes in Wilkinson's book, the collapsing ice cliff rips out the guide ropes, leaving climbers stranded high up on the mountain. One of the lead Sherpas climbs down without any protection through a steep, exposed section of ice. He returns safely to the high camp, where he's able to jump-start a rescue operation for the climbers stranded on the mountain.

Heil says he appreciates that Wilkinson took the Sherpas' version of the story into account. "They're a very big part of Himalayan mountaineering," he points out. "Very often they get short shrift in media accounts of what transpired."

Kalla: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=129235100
K2 speed record under scrutiny

The Korean rag dolls performance on 8000 meter peaks has been controversial for quite some time and it was no big surprise that she is no out of the "race". The next issue to deal with is Edurne. She has done them but with 02 in one or two cases. I don't look at her as a contender. Its like saying Lanis is the Tour winner of 2006. So Its down to Gerline or Nives.

Next disputed accent I is Stangels K2 accent. From what I know the summit pic is taken just above the shoulder on K2. Looks quite sad.
Lhotse Sout Face

The fall season expedition to follow will with out question be The Lhotse South Face attempt in alpine style. The South Face of Lhotse has been the epicenter of quite some action in the past. For most climbers the South FAce is still virgin. There is a Russian route but what a rape. Then the Cesen route... Well This my well be the first accent of one of the biggest walls in Himalaya.

Oh..... Som vi sager nar nagot vantat hander

The Korean rag dolls performance on 8000 meter peaks has been controversial for quite some time and it was no big surprise that she is no out of the "race". The next issue to deal with is Edurne. She has done them but with 02 in one or two cases. I don't look at her as a contender. Its like saying Lanis is the Tour winner of 2006. So Its down to Gerline or Nives.

Next disputed accent I is Stangels K2 accent. From what I know the summit pic is taken just above the shoulder on K2. Looks quite sad.

Gick fortare an vad jag trodde att fa detta ur varlden.

Kolla inlagg 99 i denna trad. Hoppas det gar bra!

Verkligen. Acklimatisering,approach etc,. har hittills gâtt bra. Till slut valde han att göra detta i sällskap med en annan spanjor, Txingu Arrieta. Nu dock dags för sjálva kláttringen, direct linje, ensam, utan syrgas, fasta rep eller nâgon som helst extern hjälp.
Verkligen. Acklimatisering,approach etc,. har hittills gâtt bra. Till slut valde han att göra detta i sällskap med en annan spanjor, Txingu Arrieta. Nu dock dags för sjálva kláttringen, direct linje, ensam, utan syrgas, fasta rep eller nâgon som helst extern hjälp.

Ser verkligen fram mot den kommande manadernan i Himalaya. Trist att sjalv inte vara pa plats. Hoppas det gar bra gor han den sa ar det onekligen ett enormt steg fram for klattringen.
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