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Keen to go mountain biking, etc?


I'm a slightly crazy kiwi-girl and I'm seeking people to do fun stuff with in Stockholm after work and in the weekends. I'm not afraid of the dark, or the cold or the snow. So yes I know it's winter but is there anyone else who wants to get outside and have some serious fun?

Mountain biking, running, skiing, kayaking, climbing...I love it all so give me a buzz if you're interested.


073 758 2214
if your ever in örebro and want to go for a mountain bike, drop me a line. i love all that outdoor stuff too, wicked fun! u check out the friluftsmässan this weekend?

am actually looking for people who want to bike sweden (from the north to the south) in the summer if your game.
everyone is welcome for the whole trip or just a part of it.
cool blog by the way.


Hey Clare,

How are you doing? Did you find any friends to go out with? I just moved to Sweden a few weeks ago and would love to meet some new people and enjoy the outdoors. Climbing, paddling, hiking, camping, all is good!

Let me know if you would like to meet up some time,