Vad det hela handlar om är att Sveriges regering och riksdag inte har ratificerat ILO konvention No 169 trots Sveriges stora engagemang i frågor som rör urbefolkning.
Detta är ju något som berör oss själva så därför har regering och riksdag legat väldigt lågt i denna fråga som dött i medirena.
De får även kritik för att den allmänna kännedomen om konventionen är begränsad ;-)
Det slogs upp om "strukturell rasism" när den här rapporten kom ut men först i dag kommer det fram att man kritiserat sveriges undrlåtenhet att ratificera ILO 169.
Anm: Fetstilen har jag lagt dit, men citatet är rätt.
Alternative Report to the CERD-Committee with respect to Sweden’s commitments according to the ICERD February 2004 // En PDF
"Sweden has not ratified the ILO Convention No 169 on Indigenous and Tribal Peoples in Independent Countries. The aim of the Convention is to respect the dignity and the rights of indigenous peoples. In Sweden, this would give the Saami people the right to use land and water according to their own culture and traditions.
According to Sweden’s report to the CERD-Committee, “…the ambition is to ratify the ILO Convention 169 as soon as possible…”. However, the report also states: “…for the time being there is no exact timetable for ratification…” , thereby leaving the issue pending in the air.
An investigation on the prospects of Sweden’s accession states that Sweden fulfils the requirements of the ILO Convention 169 in most other respects, thereby indicating that the actual situation is not going to change within a near future.
As Sweden has participated actively in the international debate on Indigenous Peoples, the actual reason behind the Swedish reluctance to accession needs to be described more closely.
In Sweden, the general knowledge of the ILO Convention 169 and the possible implications of a Swedish ratification is limited. We welcome the initiatives presented in the Swedish report to the CERD-Committee based on the ambition to inform public authorities, NGOs and the general public about the Saami culture. However, as the ILO Convention 169 is central to the Saami people, clarifying information should also be given on the critical question of land rights as well as on the major obstacles to a Swedish ratification to the Convention."
Detta är ju något som berör oss själva så därför har regering och riksdag legat väldigt lågt i denna fråga som dött i medirena.
De får även kritik för att den allmänna kännedomen om konventionen är begränsad ;-)
Det slogs upp om "strukturell rasism" när den här rapporten kom ut men först i dag kommer det fram att man kritiserat sveriges undrlåtenhet att ratificera ILO 169.
Anm: Fetstilen har jag lagt dit, men citatet är rätt.
Alternative Report to the CERD-Committee with respect to Sweden’s commitments according to the ICERD February 2004 // En PDF
"Sweden has not ratified the ILO Convention No 169 on Indigenous and Tribal Peoples in Independent Countries. The aim of the Convention is to respect the dignity and the rights of indigenous peoples. In Sweden, this would give the Saami people the right to use land and water according to their own culture and traditions.
According to Sweden’s report to the CERD-Committee, “…the ambition is to ratify the ILO Convention 169 as soon as possible…”. However, the report also states: “…for the time being there is no exact timetable for ratification…” , thereby leaving the issue pending in the air.
An investigation on the prospects of Sweden’s accession states that Sweden fulfils the requirements of the ILO Convention 169 in most other respects, thereby indicating that the actual situation is not going to change within a near future.
As Sweden has participated actively in the international debate on Indigenous Peoples, the actual reason behind the Swedish reluctance to accession needs to be described more closely.
In Sweden, the general knowledge of the ILO Convention 169 and the possible implications of a Swedish ratification is limited. We welcome the initiatives presented in the Swedish report to the CERD-Committee based on the ambition to inform public authorities, NGOs and the general public about the Saami culture. However, as the ILO Convention 169 is central to the Saami people, clarifying information should also be given on the critical question of land rights as well as on the major obstacles to a Swedish ratification to the Convention."