Extra 3 or 4 day trip at end of Padjelantenleden (Ritsem or Kvikkjokk?)

Hi everyone! Sorry for using English again, I hope I will be able to use some basic Swedish soon.
This year we'll be returning to Sweden for the 7th time, and we're looking at Padjelantaleden and a short 3-4 day trip in the area at the end.
So, 2 questions, if I may?

1. Which direction, both in terms of ease of access and enjoyment, would be better to the Padjelanta Trail;

2. What short trip would you take from either Ritsem or Kvikkjokk would you take if you had a few days to kill?


Hello Phil,

1: Both directions are fine, but personally I prefer starting in Kvikkjokk. This since it feels more "interresting" to end with the "apline" part of the track, i.e. above the forest line. Another benefit is that the wind comes from the south / south-west most of the time, so going north you find yourself with the wind in the back more often.

2: Going north I would stay south of Akkajaure and do days trips around Akkastugorna. In nice weather a hike in the Ahka massif is very nice.

Hope you get a nice hike!!

/ Stefan
From Kvikkjokk you could follow the trail to Tarrekaise and Såmmarlappa cabins, then up on the mountain and the route through Vallevagge back.

Probably more interesting possibilities from Ritsem / Änonjalme. You could go around the mountain Akka or climb it. Or a loop further south. Or Kisuris - Sallohaure - Kutjaure - Vaisaluokta.

You can plan and estimate distancies and difficulty using the map:

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