
  1. tiantian

    Pathless from Nikkaluokta to Kaitum, how difficult is it?

    So I guess we will try it next week. Thank you.
  2. tiantian

    Pathless from Nikkaluokta to Kaitum, how difficult is it?

    But nobody in the other board was there in person. So I hoped someone here know more about it. But it would take 2 days to pass it, and we already hiked there couple of years ago. With he other one we would be directly alone in the wildness and wasn't there before. I don't care if it will 4...
  3. tiantian

    Pathless from Nikkaluokta to Kaitum, how difficult is it?

    Hi. My wife and me will arrive at Nikkaluokta next week and we want to hike to Vakkotavare. To avoid the crowds we think about hike pathless from Nikkaluokta to Kaitum. Can anyone tell me how difficult it would be to hike over Borrasgorsa, Guodekvaggi, around Urtticonhkka, Skarttoalgi and...
  4. tiantian

    Beisfjord to Kaisepakte, Abisko or Katterjåkk

    Thank you. So we can just hope that there there is not to much snow in august left.
  5. tiantian

    Beisfjord to Kaisepakte, Abisko or Katterjåkk

    Thank you Stefan. We have the option to start early august or early september, but we prefer early august. With this we would run into the Fjällräven Classic which is held from 11 to 18 august, so could be smart to avoid the trail between Alesjaure and Abisko. Your Vistasvagge, Mårmapasset and...
  6. tiantian

    Beisfjord to Kaisepakte, Abisko or Katterjåkk

    Hey. Couple of years ago we hiked from Nikkaluokta to Katterat. It was our first tour in the high north and so far also the best we had (we visited Rondane and Saltfjellet in the meantime). We just have 11 days including travel time, so it will leave us just 8 1/2 hiking days. We thought about...
  7. tiantian

    Kiruna Area, anything else than Kungsleden?

    So if we went there, the bridge is away and the water not suitable to cross the river, we still can continue to the other Bridge and follow the shorter path to Katterat.
  8. tiantian

    Kiruna Area, anything else than Kungsleden?

    We have one spare day. If we dont need it would it make sense to go from Caihnavaggehytta over the Smailerienpas, Lossistua, Hunddalshytta to Katterat instead of Caihnavaggehytta, Cunojavrrehytta, Oallavaggi, Katterat? Will the bridge be there? I read two years ago there was no bridge there...
  9. tiantian

    Kiruna Area, anything else than Kungsleden?

    Anyone know about the snow situation at Gautelis/Caihnavagge? Should be there around 24/25 july, will there still be a lot snow or is everything almost gone?
  10. tiantian

    Kiruna Area, anything else than Kungsleden?

    Ok, we will try to pass on the west side. River at the north of the lake isn't to big to cross? How about taking the higher way to Katterat and not follow the street, on the map there is a wide river to cross to get to that way. Is it easy?
  11. tiantian

    Kiruna Area, anything else than Kungsleden?

    So you would leave the marked trail? Okay, exept of that any idea what to do it we are to early in Katterat?
  12. tiantian

    Kiruna Area, anything else than Kungsleden?

    Anyone know the bus price from Kiruna Airport to Kiruna City? horvalls.se shows 100SEK but I asked ltnbd.se whats the fare for this route with line 91 and they answered its just 30SEK. Line 91 depart just 15 Minutes later than the expensive bus. Can this be right? Planing to walk this track...
  13. tiantian

    European Health Insurance Card

    I already read that its common to pay in sweden if you go to doctor or hospital with the european health insurance. 80SEK per day in hospital, 250 SEK for doctor in hospital, 100-300 SEK for a doctor outside of hospital. Is there any surecharge for medical transport, too?
  14. tiantian

    European Health Insurance Card

    Hi. Anyone can tell me if someone need medical care in sweden or norway far away from civilisation, will the helicopter transport to hospital be free of charge with a European Health Insurance Card?
  15. tiantian

    Kiruna Area, anything else than Kungsleden?

    @Henning: Why you recommend Katterjåkk instead of Katterat, you mean I should just avoid it as a starting point because of the fuel, but how about the ending point. Which is a nicer trek, walking to Katterjåkk or Katterat? For our dates there is only one daily train on this route. Is there any...
  16. tiantian

    Kiruna Area, anything else than Kungsleden?

    We are both fit, and our equipment is lightweight. Without food it's just 6kg per person for tent, sleeping bag and air mat, clothes, backpack. I also dry my food by myself, it's also not to heavy. And we like to walk, as long as it's not dark we can walk till 10pm first day without a problem. I...
  17. tiantian

    Kiruna Area, anything else than Kungsleden?

    My girlfriend is 25 years old, so she would get the discount. Starting in Nikkaluokta and take a train back from Katterjåkk to Kirnua would at least be the cheapest way, just 393SEK. But money shouldnt be to important for this trip. It also leave us enough time bring clothes to the hotel and we...
  18. tiantian

    Kiruna Area, anything else than Kungsleden?

    Sure no checkpoint in the mountains, but it would still may be a illegal activity and I guess they will have a checkpoint in the train/trainstation?
  19. tiantian

    Kiruna Area, anything else than Kungsleden?

    Thank you very much! Wouldnt be so easy to get on the train to Abisko/Katterat in time. We arrive at 13:15, the bus to town will may depart 13:45 or 14:00. Then we can't be at the new train station at 14:39 when the train depart. Would only be possible with a taxi and thats expensive (Also my...
  20. tiantian

    Kiruna Area, anything else than Kungsleden?

    We will take a tent and all the food we need anyway, so it wouldn't be a problem. But is it so easy to walk a few kilometer next to it? Just checked the map, not sure if there will e stream or mountains than we couldnt pass.

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