
  1. Lampi

    X-country-skis to rent?

    Hi! Where can I rent Cross- country skis in Stockholm? I will be here this week-end. Some trails to recommend? I stay in Lidingö Is it possible to walk/ski on the ice from Lidingö to the neighbour islands? Thanks in advance. Best regards, Rainer
  2. Lampi

    Isklättring Stockholm?

    Hi miclun and nicklas, I will be in Stockholm this and next week. Please mail or phone me +491718747271. I would be glad if somone takes me climbing. I'm pretty new to iceclimbing. Thanx in advance, Rainer
  3. Lampi

    Klätterkompis på Klättercentret solna

    Hi Bosse and Anders, I will be in Stockholm this and next week. Please mail or phone me +491718747271. I would be glad if somone takes me climbing. I'm experienced for 20 years. Thanx in advance, Rainer
  4. Lampi

    This weekend

    Really nobody out there Saturday and Sunday??? :( Please phone me!!!
  5. Lampi

    This weekend

    Hi! I will be in Stockholm this weekend I I'm looking for a two- day- stand ;-) for climbing. I lead up to 6a in boltclipping, 5a trad (if it does not mean soloing), and follow up to 6b+. Thanx in advance! Rainer
  6. Lampi

    Afterwork klättring i Stockholm

    Hi Fredrik, please phone me. 0046/10852/5733 I'll be here this and next week, and also the week-end between. TIA, Rainer
  7. Lampi

    Afterwork klättring i Stockholm

    Hi Fr123, I'm in Sthlm this week, and ca. 6 times per year for one week. I would be glad if someone would take me to the crags. I'm leading up to 5c sport and 5a trad (if it does not mean solo here), and I'm toproping up to 6b. Visit my website http://touren.lampatzer.de contact me...
  8. Lampi

    L00king 4 climbing partners 2008-05-27 .. 30

    Hi! I will be in Stockholm for work next week. I would like to climb (Kanalklippan or Münchenbryggeriet or ... something else near the city) before 10:00 (May 27..30) in the mornig or after 18:00 (May 27..30) in the evening. No indoor climb. I lead 5b trad and 6a bolted, follow 6b. For those...
  9. Lampi

    Stockholm 2008-05-27 .. 30

    Hi! I will be in Stockholm for work next week. I would like to climb (Kanalklippan or Münchenbryggeriet or ... something else near the city) before 10:00 (May 27..30) in the mornig or after 18:00 (May 27..30) in the evening. No indoor climb. I lead 5b trad and 6a bolted, follow 6b. For those...
  10. Lampi

    Frankenjura, Tyskland, maj; rese- och klättringkamrat?

    Hi! write a request into http://forum.climbing.de U can write in English. HTH, Lampi
  11. Lampi

    L00king 4 climbing partner: 20080526-20080529 - evenings in Stockholm

    the mornings are also possible, work starts @ 09:45
  12. Lampi

    L00king 4 climbing partner: 20080526-20080529 - evenings in Stockholm

    Hi! During the last week of May, I will be in Stockholm for work. I'm looking for an "original" to climb the crags in the city. No indoor climb. I lead 5b trad and 6a bolted, follow 6b. For those who are interested in my stats ;) : 43/177/79 I speak German and English only, sorry. Thanks a...

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