Dear Utsidan community,
We, Alexander (myself, with a passion for hiking in Lapland and its history) and Andreas (stugvärd for many years in Bádjelánnda) do a research about POW escapes from Norway 1942-45 to Badjelánnda region. We'd like to ask you for help.
Following notice, including the first verse of the poem (written by Karl-Aage Schwartzkopf) is pinned on the cork board in the cabin with the emergency phone (“vinterstugan”) in Stáddájåhkå since at least 2018 (original spelling kept):
We are looking for the person, who posted this notice in Stáddájåhkå, vinterstugan.
What do we know so far:
The exact location of vinterstugan in Stáddájåhkå:,16.592263&z=18&l=aerial&g=67.240529,16.591491
We plan to tell the whole story in a publication later this year. A small preview is given in the following blog post by Tor L. Tuorda:
Alexander and Andreas
We, Alexander (myself, with a passion for hiking in Lapland and its history) and Andreas (stugvärd for many years in Bádjelánnda) do a research about POW escapes from Norway 1942-45 to Badjelánnda region. We'd like to ask you for help.
Following notice, including the first verse of the poem (written by Karl-Aage Schwartzkopf) is pinned on the cork board in the cabin with the emergency phone (“vinterstugan”) in Stáddájåhkå since at least 2018 (original spelling kept):
See also the photo below.Till stugvärdens uppgifter hör att lägga blommor på Ryssens grav!
Vi fann en man på fjället nyss
i Kappaluobbals viden.
Det var en död förmultnad Ryss
som kämpat ut i striden.
Skrev: Karl Aage Swartzkopf
De begravde honom här, någonstans innan de återvände till Konsulns stuga. Där de var posterade under kriget.
Han var gränspolis!
We are looking for the person, who posted this notice in Stáddájåhkå, vinterstugan.
What do we know so far:
- The notice appeared in Stáddájåhkå vinterstugan probably in 2017 or early 2018.
- None of Stáddájåhkå stugvärdar has written it nor was aware about the story.
- The story is true; the poem was indeed written by Karl-Aage Schwartzkopf in July 1944 after the burial.
- Karl-Aage Schwartzkopf put the poem in the Sårjåsjaurestugan (aka Konsul Perssons stuga) guestbook. This guestbook was available in the Sårjåsjaurestugan at least until 1959, after that no traces of it found (STF archive, Sårjåsstugans intresseförening, STF stugvärdsförening).
- Karl-Aage Schwartzkopf also published this poem in a newspaper (probably: Sydsvenska Dagbladet-Snällposten, Svenska Dagbladet or Stockholmstidningen) late 1944 or 1945. The search in the newspaper archive is still running. The poem couldn't be found in the private archive of Karl-Aage Schwartzkopf.
- A longer version of the poem was cited by Sten-Ove Bergwall in Söderhamnstidningen 1959 (Sten-Ove's source was KP guestbook).
- We have checked (and followed up some of) guestbook entries from vinterstugan, without solving the puzzle.
- Any information regarding the person, who posted this notice in Stáddájåhkå. Any hints are welcome. Maybe you recognize the handwriting of your friend
If you've only seen the notice, please reply when it happened, so we can narrow our search.
- Any information regarding whereabouts of the old guestbook from Sårjåsjaurestugan or memories about its contents from 1944-45
- Any other information regarding the poem. Maybe you have seen it in an old newspaper and can remember the date?
The exact location of vinterstugan in Stáddájåhkå:,16.592263&z=18&l=aerial&g=67.240529,16.591491
We plan to tell the whole story in a publication later this year. A small preview is given in the following blog post by Tor L. Tuorda:
Alexander and Andreas
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