Trip & Waypoint Manager Problem!!!

Har instalerat Map Source men när ja ska öppna den får jag bara ett fel meddelande " Ett fel inträffade med registret för MapSource. Installera MapSours igen och starta det sedan igen." Har provat och instalera den flera gånger och har hämtat hem senaste Adobe reader men jag får inte den å fungera. GPS:en är helt ny (Garmin 60CSx). En kompis har en likadann kan jag låna hans skiva och prova med den?? Vars kan jag ringa och få hjälp??
Du är inte den första som råkat ut för detta med fel i registret vid installation av MapSource. Om du har Windows XP kan du återställa registret.
Har du fattat hur registret funkar kan du radera de nycklar som har med Garmin att göra.

Om du är osäker på hur registret och registereditorn funkar prova med sökfunktioen. Det finns säkert någon som beskrivit vilka nycklar det är som ska raderas.

Per Brune
Här har du ett mail från Garmin support:

Thank you for contacting Garmin Europe
Thank you for contacting Garmin Europe Support.
The error message that you received is due to a directory conflict in your
PC. The best way to correct this error is to uninstall/reinstall MapSource.
1. Go to the start menu in windows
2. Select the settings and then select the control panel.
3. In the control panel double click on the icon for ADD/REMOVE PROGRAMS.
4. Select MapSource in the uninstall window. The software will ask to if you
wish to uninstall all the components, answer YES to this option.
5. Select the Start key to the run option. In the run window type in <
regedit > and enter. In the registry editor, you need to be very careful and
please follow these steps precisely.
a. Select the (+) next to the folder stating HKEY_CURRENT_USER
b. In this view select the (+) next to SOFTWARE, when you click on this it
will open your registry further.
c. In the SOFTWARE view you will see a series of folders, one will be
GARMIN. Highlight the word GARMIN and press the delete key. It will ask for
confirmation of deletion. Make sure that the word GARMIN is the only key
highlighted. Press on the (-) signs to contract the expansion.
d. Repeat the same process for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. It may not be in this
6. Shut down your system as normal and then let the system set for about 30
seconds and then start up your computer.
7. Reinstall the software. It will ask for the destination folder, the
default setting being C:\Program Files and so forth. Click on the browse
option and type in for the
destination folder. C:\Garmin. This folder will not exist, but the option to
create it will follow. Select OK.
8. Reboot after finishing your installation allowing the software to rest in
the destination folder.
9. After you reinstall, I recommend that you upgrade your operating software
to the latest version of the MapSource operating system.
Following are the steps to update MapSource on your computer:
The list is in alphabetical order. Go to the M's, you will see MapSource
x.xx. Please click on the MapSource and you will be taken to a License
agreement page. Once you have read and agreed to the agreement you may
select that you do agree and then you will be taken to the next page.
The next page will have the word download on the screen and x.xx MB. Once
you click on this it will begin trying to download the file. Please save it
to the DESKTOP. Once you have completed downloading the upgrade you will
need to run the program.
Please make sure you have closed out the MapSource program. If it is running
the update will not work correctly.
The file should be on your desktop as Mapsource_xxx.exe. Then please
double-click on the file name of Mapsource_xxx.exe and the program will
begin to install on to your computer.
Once it is completed you can go back and check by going into MapSource and
then click on the help and then the about MapSource.
** NOTE... to check the version of Map Source you are running or to verify
the update was Map Source, click on HELP and ABOUT MAP SOURCE,
this will display the version below the Map Source title. **
I would also recommend downloading a new copy of the Map Source manual from
our website at -->>

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