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Stockholm area and within Sweden for the weekends

Hey guys,

I am in a desperate need of vandring/kayaking/etc buddy! All my friends/aquitanances are lazy bums and cant manage more than 2 hours outside. I am on the other side love outdoors and nature and would love to explore more, both around Stockholm and possibly trips for 2-3 days elsewhere if properly planned.

I am 35 years old, man, office job, have lived in Sweden for 6 years, originally from south Russia, but swedenized by now. My fitness level is okish, i am doing lopning training 3 times per week. I do somewhat speak Swedish, but it is easier still in English, wouldnt mind both.

My vandring goals are:

1) Outer skärgårdrn (e.g where vaxholmbolaget cant reach! :))
2) Abisco/Sarek
3) Dalarna (i was at Mora last year and absolutely adored it!)
4) ...

Heres my social network, cause lets face it - we all do it here. Might as well make it faster... :)


Lets get in touch!
Where are you situated? I’m trying to arrange a lightweight camp in the southern parts of Stockholm along with someone I met through Meetup.

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