Sailing in Skåne


Is anyone looking for sailing crew in Skåne for weekends? I haven't sailed in several years but have just moved to Skåne and would like to start up again. I have raced various small boats (sabots, mirrors, laser radials) and have my sailing instructor qualificaitons - just need a boat to sail on!! Let me know if you can help out! Jag prata lite svensk också!

Try to get in touch with some sailing clubs ither in Limhamn or Trelleborg. Wish I could hav helped you some more
Hi! I have the same problem, did two sailing courses last summer, and this summer i would really like to get out and sail! And I dont have money yet to buy my own boat...

I havent put that much energy into solving the problem myself yet, but i have som ideas that im gonna try and that i can share. :) - The sailing club in Limhamn, just south of Malmö. They have sailing courses, i think they also have boats you can use if you become a member. Once a week (i think sundays) they have some sort of amateur sailing competion, and on some boats you can help out as "gast", dont know the english word for it, or maybe its the same. Put and add on their webpage and hopefully you will get som answers.

If you want to do a longer trip, two weeks maybe i can recommend

Good luck! :) And if you find any other information on how to get out sailing in Skåne, please let med know!

My sailing problem is now solved! (See prev. message)

Bought a nice IF a couple of weeks ago. Taking it out of the water this weekend, and then im gonna do some work on it this winter.

So, spring -04 you can join me for some sailing if you want!


Låter bra. Du får har mitt email address: och jag hoppas att hör av dig nästa vår! Lycka till med båten,

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