We are a group of three paddlers from Helsingfors, Finland. At Midsommerday we will start our journey, three weeks of paddling, direction west from Helsingfors. If everything goes fine, we may try to reach Stockholm. In case we do, we would appreciate info and help about getting to land and to Silja-ferry with our kayaks and gear.
Is there any places near Silja´s terminal, that we could get up, and just simply carry our stuff to the ship?
If not, which of the local paddlingclubs might be able to help in arranging transport? Does someone have trailer or would there be kind enough people to come help us with their own cars? We will, of course cover the expenses and more.
Or is there some kayakrental, which might be of help?
Also, where would be good place for our last nights camp? Preferrably somewhat close to place, where we would get ashore?
I can be reached by email: pasinuutinen@yahoo.com or by phone +358 40 5622 471. English is more fluent to me, men förstås snackar jag svenska också, lite och långsamt, men i alla fall...
Och naturligtvis hälsar vi alla tippar över goda campplatser och paddelrutter via skärgården.
Tack för alla hjälp,
Pasi Nuutinen
We are a group of three paddlers from Helsingfors, Finland. At Midsommerday we will start our journey, three weeks of paddling, direction west from Helsingfors. If everything goes fine, we may try to reach Stockholm. In case we do, we would appreciate info and help about getting to land and to Silja-ferry with our kayaks and gear.
Is there any places near Silja´s terminal, that we could get up, and just simply carry our stuff to the ship?
If not, which of the local paddlingclubs might be able to help in arranging transport? Does someone have trailer or would there be kind enough people to come help us with their own cars? We will, of course cover the expenses and more.
Or is there some kayakrental, which might be of help?
Also, where would be good place for our last nights camp? Preferrably somewhat close to place, where we would get ashore?
I can be reached by email: pasinuutinen@yahoo.com or by phone +358 40 5622 471. English is more fluent to me, men förstås snackar jag svenska också, lite och långsamt, men i alla fall...
Och naturligtvis hälsar vi alla tippar över goda campplatser och paddelrutter via skärgården.
Tack för alla hjälp,
Pasi Nuutinen