Lagning av MSR Whisperlite?

Jag har problem med mitt MSR Whisperlite koek och det verkar som om slangen mellan flaskan och sjaelva koeket aer full av skraep. Detta medfoer att det inte kommer igenom naagon bensin till koeket aeven vid hoegt tryck. Har testat att blaasa igenom med tryckluft men det fungerar inte.

Aer det naagon som vet hur man rengoer slaengen mellan flaskan och braennaren? Gaar det att plocka soender den i smaadelar och rengoera varje del foer sig? Har plockat soender baade braennaren och pumpen i flaskan och rengoert dessa men det hjaelper inte. Felet aer att slangen aer hellt taeppt.

Aer nu i Jordanien saa det aer inte saa laett att hitta reservdelar till koeket.

Enligt instruktionsboken-kan det hjälpa?

Hej Stellan!
Har ej behövt göra detta själv, men så här står det i instruktionsboken. Till ngn hjälp? Önskar Er fortsatt trevlig resa! Följer med via Er hemsida...spännande.
Hälsningar från Sverige!!!

Cleaning the Fuel line for the WhisperLite, WhisperLite Internationale & XGK

Remove the fuel line from the stove by unscrewing the priming cup, then pushing down on the generator tube to remove it from the mixer tube (XGK model stove owners can skip this step). Remove the jet from the fuel line and clean it with the jet cleaning wire or shaker needle. Remove the cable from the fuel line, wipe it off, then reinsert it. Run the cable back and forth in short strokes, using it like a pipe cleaner to scour the inside of the fuel line - pushing it back and forth ten to twenty times. Concentrate your strokes in the area of the generator tube. This is where most of the clogging takes place. Pull the cable out and wipe it off. Repeat this procedure one more time, then reinsert the cable. Connect the fuel line to your pressurized pump and bottle and open the control valve to allow about a quarter of a cup of fuel to flush any debris out of the fuel line.


When flushing keep away from heat, sparks and flame. Reinsert jet (and shaker jet needle for those with the shaker jet stove), then reinstall fuel line to the body of the stove. Burn test the stove. If clogging persists, repeat the flushing process with the jet off.See the Whisperlite/Whisperlite 600 schematic drawing.

See the XGK schematic drawing.Inadequate fuel bottle pressure could be another reason your stove is not lighting or priming. To remedy this, remove the pump plunger assembly from the pump. At the end of it is a Leather Pump Cup. Moisten it with MSR Pump Cup Oil or mineral oil (available at any hardware or drug store). If necessary, reshape it to fit snugly against the inner wall of the pump. Then reinsert it into the pump.

How do I replace the fuel line filter in the DragonFly?A: The fuel line filter is in the stove's fuel tube adapter; this is the brass tube that goes into the fuel pump. To remove the filter, take a safety pin and push the sharp point through the middle of the filter. Carefully pry the filter out and discard it. To install a new filter, place the filter on a hard surface such as a table top, push the fuel tube adapter straight down onto the filter so that the filter is inserted flush with the end of the fuel tube adapter. It is normal for a small amount of plastic from the filter to be shaved off as the filter is installed; simply rub or cut off the excess material.

Will a DragonFly fit in the Alpine cookset?Yes, the stove will fit inside the cookset. It is a tight fit, so you may need to experiment if you want to put anything else in the cookset.Can I take the DragonFly stove on an expedition?It depends on the nature of the expedition. For extreme conditions, such as on Denali (Mt. McKinley), the XGK is the better choice for its time-tested, simple design. At very cold temperatures, you want your gear to be as simple and reliable as possible.

See the Pump schematic.
Det viktiga är detta:

"Remove the cable from the fuel line, wipe it off, then reinsert it. Run the cable back and forth in short strokes, using it like a pipe cleaner to scour the inside of the fuel line - pushing it back and forth ten to twenty times."

Altså använd stålwiren som sitter inuti slangen som piprensare.
Vandrare; sa:
Det viktiga är detta:

"Remove the cable from the fuel line, wipe it off, then reinsert it. Run the cable back and forth in short strokes, using it like a pipe cleaner to scour the inside of the fuel line - pushing it back and forth ten to twenty times."

Altså använd stålwiren som sitter inuti slangen som piprensare.

Det fungerade inte... Har foersoekt lossa viren men den sitter fast. Aer det naagon som vet hur man fixar ett MSR koek daer staalviren sitter fast och daer slangen aer helt taeppt??

Har aeven plockat soender tvaa andra MSR koek de sista dagarna bara foer att kolla hur de ser ut. Det var det enkelt att plocka ut staalviren paa dessa koek men inte paa mitt.

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