Hiking Singi to Nikkaluotka

Hi there. can anyone help with a question? I will be hiking the Kungsleden from Abisko to Nikkaluotka. My guide book is not very clear about how the trail works from Singi.

How do people commonly finish the hike from there? Do most hikers plan on 1 night at the Kebnakaise fell station? Or are there other options e.g. walking from Singi to the Nikkaluotka (26km) in 1 day?

I need to be in Kiruna to catch a flight on a Tuesday 13-50. So it looks like I need a plan to arrive in Nikkaluotka on the afternoon of the Monday in time to catch the bus to Kiruna at 16-20, or to arrive in Nikkaluotka before noon on the Tuesday (for the bus at 12).

Many thanks for your help,

We would not walk for one day from Singi to Nikka. But maybe some... Its quiet hard, far, tough. We would stay for a night in Kebnekaise station or in a tent closer to Nikkaluokta. So you can take the bus before lunch. Have a nice trip.
Singi to Nikkaluokta isn't 26 km, it's more like 33 km (don't remember exactly, but 19k from Keb to Nikkaluokta and something like 14k between Singi and Keb). Can be done in one day, but I wouldn't. The hike from Keb to Nikkaluokta is easy, without being particularly fit I do it in 4 hours. If you're an experienced hiker taking the detour via Tarfala (Sälka-Tarfala-Nikkaloukta) might be an interesting alternative to spending a night at Keb. If you're not, do what people usually do and spend a night at Keb (you are guaranteed a place to sleep, but if you want to be sure to get a bed rather than a mattress on the floor you could consider pre-booking).
If you are to take one nights stop off your trek it is more common to go from Sälka to Kebnekaise in one day. There is a shortcut from the Kungsleden-trail that will take you direct to the path for Kebnekaise, without going all the way to Singi.

But I would recommend not to be to tight in the planning. Walking up the peak of either Kebnekaise or Sälka on route should not be missed.

If you want a shorter option in the area, take a round trip Nikkaluokta-Vistas-Nallo-Sälka-Kebnekaise-Nikkaloukta. It is possible to get a boat ride the first stretch half way up the Vistas-valley from Nikkaloukta.
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