Gröna Bandet food resupply

Hi there!

I'm a swiss hiker and I will very soon start to walk from Grövelsjön hopefuly all the way up to Treriksröset.

That being said, I have some issues about my food resupply strategy. I found shops pretty much all the way up to Kvikkjokk. There, I wonder if there is a place where I could send a food box and they could hold it a few weeks for me ?

Same problem with Ritsem. Is there a place where I could send a food box ?

Or do people take a bus from Kvikkjokk or Ritsem to the closest shop (which seems to be hunders of kilometers away) and come back to the trail ?

As I don't speak swedish, it's difficult to find informations about that specific topic.

Thanks and bonne journée !
Both Kvikkjokk’s and Ritsem’s Fjällstation will hold a resupply box for you. Just email, or call them to get the details on how they want them sent to them.
I’m currently almost halfways through my Gröna Band, will send a box to Kvikkjokk.
Most of the shops you will come to are very small, and have a pretty limited assortment of food.
Good luck with your Gröna Band!
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