Göta Kanal area, ideas request, nature spots, etc

Hi everybody, I intend to spend a few days riding my bike along sections of the Göta Kanal, between Linkoping and Sjotorp. That's pretty easy to figure out, but I am also looking for other spots to visit in the attached area.

I found a few places myself (Tiveden park, Tåkern park), but looking for ideas, anything of unique natural beauty, villages, rune stones, caves, anything that is worth a visit in this area that is particularly swedish or particularly beautiful.

I will be driving, so easy to reach any other place in this area.

thank you

Try to google "Sightseeing Motala", and Karlsborg, Vadstena, Askersund and so on. Lot's of suggestions to visit. https://www.upplevvadstena.se/en/index.html
And Tiveden National park
Omberg is worth a visit and a walk. View from the top over lake Vättern and the landscape in Östergötland. Interesting hills/mountains in Västergötland to. Billingen Kinnekulle and Halleberg Hunneberg. Tiveden as mentioned.

Will you sleep in a tent?


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