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Danish Outdoor Festival and the first Hangcon outside the USA, i Danmark

Hi Guys.
I am one of the organizers of Danish Outdoor Festival and the first Hangcon outside the USA.

We, Christian and I, went from Denmark to Hangcon, Florida, in January, had a blast indeed - and we made an agreement with AJ and Paul to organize the first International Hangcon. We are so lucky the boys will be over to support us and make it a great kick-off.
We will host it in Denmark, near Copenhagen, last weekend in April, Camp open most of the week.

Already we have a bunch of hammock producers joining, UGQ, Mr. Mocks, Majestic, Amok, Lesovik, Eno, Hammock Gear, Dutch Hammock Store- still in talks with more, hopefully with some great outcomes. Hopefully many more, even Shug is 90% confirmed

It´s not only a Hammock festival - it´s all about the Outdoors, We have Johan Skullman, Elle from Elles Utemat, Roswi, Granitbiten, Immeln Canoe Center and many more - check our website, https://www.danishoutdoorfestival.com/

please contact me at, Lars@danishoutdoorfestival.com, we have a strong presence from the most of Europe, specially Scandinavia, most of the biggest retailers will be exhibithing so a great chance to promote your brand and get contacts

With the Hangcon team we quickly found out we share the same values. - The Danish Outdoor Festival and Hangcon Europe is run by volunteers- non-profit- Free admission for guests- Free Lectures- Free workshops- Free camps - On behalf of The Danish Outdoor Festival team and Hangcon Europe I would love to invite you over if possible, Producers, Hangers, old and new friends

Danish Outdoor Festival is in 2024 on our 11.th year, driven by Christian and myself, last year we hosted 250 exihibitors and we had 13.000 guests over the weekend - And remember, We are the happiest people in the world :)

Hope to see many guests from Sweden in Denmark, We also have a new King

Lars Thomsen, Chairman of the board - Danish Outdoor Festival and Hangcon Europe
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