Bohuslän or Dalsland


Sorry I writte in English, I don´t know swidish.


I want to go to kayak in August 10th to sweden and maybe you can help us. We want to do a 3 or 4 days self-guided tour (wild camping), but we are doubting between the costal Bohuslän or the lakes at Dalsland.

Since we are begginers I was thinking that Dalsland will be easier, but I´ve heard that in August is packed with lot of people. My question is:

Bohuslän is more difficult? or is well protected by the small islands?

There are nice places is Dalsland, that are not packed with people? Which recomends?

Any other recomendation like good place to start the trip, where to rent... is welcome :)

Thankyou very much for your help, I really apreciate!
Bohuslän is also full of people (maybe more so than Dalsland). Both are nice, but quite different. Compare google image search for "bohuslän kajak" and "dalsland kajak". If you have a car you might consider to go to both places. Here is a place that rents kayaks and suggests tours in Bohuslän (I have no idea if this is a good place)

Here you can find maps with fresh water sources and (free) campsites listed for Bohuslän. Read the bit about campfires carefully. English version at the bottom of the page.
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