lantmateriet map copyright when publishing a trip report on the internet?

does anybody know, can I show my trekking route on a "lantmateriet" map (including the "©" sign) when I publish my trip report in an internet outdoor forum? See attached an example (screenshot from the navigation app that I use). Note the copyright sign in the upper right corner.

The administrator of the German outdoor forum where I publish my trip report is concerned about this legal issue. Maybe somebody here knows if lantmateriet allows this kind of private, non-commercial publishing of their excellent maps? Thanks a lot for helping!

Acording to their website you are allowed to publish their maps if it is non-commercial, and you have added some kind of information on top of the map. That added information must be the primary interest in the publishing.

My conclusion is that it should be fine to use it as you describe.
Yes you can as this map is included in Lantmäteriets öppna data
As far as I read, in the beginning of February even the map in the highest scale 1:10'000 will become open data.
From here on I will write in German as this is not really relevant for your question but easier for both of us.
Falls die Admins noch Bedenken haben sollten kannst du sie gerne an mich verweisen - die Mailadresse ist ja in der Datenbank auch wenn ich nicht mehr aktiv bin - und zumindest Molte sollte ja auch den schwedischen Text in den Links verstehen.
Das grosse Rentiergeweih lag übrigens schon im Juli 2022 an dem Zeltplatz (Du siehst ich lese mit)
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