
  1. MiBro

    Jörn boots, ok with strong legs/calf?

    Thank you all very much for your kind help. :) Will try to get on the list and hope for the best!
  2. MiBro

    Jörn boots, ok with strong legs/calf?

    Hi seobserver, that sounds almost too good to be true! I thought it went more like “we will receive 20 pairs in may 2022, take or leave”. Really impressed to hear that you actually enter the waiting list with measurements. I suppose then, that one can also ask for the very red-ish leather...
  3. MiBro

    Jörn boots, ok with strong legs/calf?

    Hi all, I hope you can forgive me for writing English. I am looking to get in line for a pair of Jörn boots, the traditional model. However, I have really massive calfs. It is hard to tell from pictures whether this is a problem. Do they stretch out somewhat to adapt your leg circumference, or...

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