
  1. refugjat

    trekking between Abisko and Nikkaloukta

    Thank you everyone. You have been so helpful, really! I have not as yet decided whether to change from mid-june to mid-july but your information and advice shall surely help me decide. Thanks again.
  2. refugjat

    trekking between Abisko and Nikkaloukta

    thanks Thor
  3. refugjat

    trekking between Abisko and Nikkaloukta

    thank you so very much Salgo601 and Smux. I will go through your recommendations and suggestions carefully but it does look like I have been planning around the wrong dates! Thanks again
  4. refugjat

    trekking between Abisko and Nikkaloukta

    I am planning to trek between Aibisko and Nikkaloukta, this possibly between June 02 and June 08. I plan to camp along the way and plan to trek alone. I have a number of questions please: a. Is the terrain walkable in this period? (On one of the other posts someone mentioned that the terrain is...

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