
  1. MjrKrash

    Kungsleden February 2009

    Ahh excellent - Good then most likely I will see you there. Thanks for the coordinates - will plug them in on the map and my google earth map. as I pass through Adolfsstrom where should I ask about the key? I am guessing then I could return it in Jakkvik? (where?) When I was there last the...
  2. MjrKrash

    Kungsleden February 2009

    Hello from the Aleutian Islands of Alaska. (sorry my Swedish is very poor) I am returning to Sweden this February to ski trek the Kungsleden. I will be going South from Hemavan to Abisko in the north. I was there two years ago and did the same trip (http://www.i907.net) This is my third visit...

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