Abisko-Sjaunja 50 days autonomous trek
2021-07-15 - 2021-09-02 , Genomförd
Abisko - Lapporten - Nissonvággi - Ballinvággi - Šiellavággi - Mårma Pass - Vistasvagge - Kungsleden - Västra Bossos Pass - Lake 1242 - Lake 1081 - Stuor Räitavagge - Unna Räitavagge - Pyramid Pass - Kaskasavagge - Čievrravagge - Tarfala Pass - Guobirvággi - Kungsleden - Kaitumjaure - Sirččám - Sjaunja - Harrå
26 kg equipment + 16 kg food
Scroll down for a link to the photos and trip report.
Abisko-Sjaunja 50 days
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2021-10-04 13:54
Still Alive
A very interesting hike.
How could 16 kg of food reach 50 days? Approximately 300 g of food/day. For me that sounds as a starvation hike.
Svar 2023-06-01 18:22
It's not so hard. Better have some fat reserves at the beginning, then use up about 15% of your body weight during the trip. I didn't feel hungry with 300 g food/day. Many years ago I started my trips with 600 g food/day, then gradually reduced. Didn't notice much difference.
2021-09-16 18:10
You can see photos of this trek here:
https://www.outdoorseiten.net/vb5/forum/tourenberichte/tourenberichte-n%C3%B6rdliches-europa/3076302-se-lappland-im-expeditionsstil-50-tage-durch -schwedens-berge-und-s% C3% BCmpfe # post3076830
Please use Google translate for reading the text.