Ny version av OziExplorer

Efter en ovanligt lång tid ( 3 ½ måmad) utan uppgraderingar finns nu OziExplorer i en ny version

Release Version 3.95.4j

minor fixes.

Added support for the UBD Australian City maps. Only the new "Australian City Streets Version 3" maps are supported. See the Australian page of our web site for details.
Added support for Projects - a Project can be defined which includes a map and various data files. Projects can be created and saved and the map and all the data files are loaded when the Project is loaded.. The Project Manager option is located on the Options menu.
Added support for reading and writing GPX files, the options are on the Load and Save menus. These options can also be installed on the User Toolbar.
Added support for Google Earth - reading and writing KML files ; view waypoints and tracks in Google Earth ; show current map position in Google Earth. These options can also be installed on the User Toolbar.
Added the ability to join tracks together, this option is located on the "More Options" button on the Track Control toolbar.
A new option is provided on the 3D / Elevation menu (OziExplorer3D must be installed) to download SRTM height data for the region of map being viewed.
Increased the number of user datums supported from 10 to 30.
In Configuration the number of Com Ports has been increased to 50.
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