
  1. Hallu

    Hiking in central Sweden in april/may

    Hi KimE , thanks for your answer. I don't have to snowshoe, it's not a goal in itself, I'd just like to have a nice 10/12 days of vacation. I don't plan on doing a multi day trek, like I said, I'll rent a car, and do a road trip with day hikes here and there. I know this isn't exactly the usual...
  2. Hallu

    Hiking in central Sweden in april/may

    Hi everyone, I'll be joining some friends for a week near Göteborg in late April (25-29th). I'm looking forward to making a holiday out of this as well, but I can't figure out where to go at that time of year. I don't think I have the budget to fly to Lapland, so I would rent a car in Göteborg...

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