Sarek, Suorva - Ritsem via Ruohtesvagge
I just looked up the positions mentioned by you in the Fjällkartan and it's clear - very helpful. I'll try to reach Laponiatjuottjudus about the status of the bridges before leaving. Tack!- sulibats
- Inlägg # 5
- Forum: Fjällvandring
Sarek, Suorva - Ritsem via Ruohtesvagge
Hej hej, Sorry for starting this thread in English but my Swedish skills are limited, unfortunately :) I hope that you could still comment on the proposed tour, especially about the status of snow, rivers and bridges. I read in the Claes Grundsten guide that some bridge are only installed in...- sulibats
- Tråd
- Svar: 6
- Forum: Fjällvandring