
  1. NSGR

    Tips på turer kring Abisko slutet av juni?

    Thank you for pointing that out. I just got back, and the conditions on the field where as you describe. Virtually zero snow at Tjaktja pass, maybe 20-30 meters, 10cm deep snow patch at the very top. Maybe even that has melted away by now. Luckily the weather 26-27-28 of June was also great for...
  2. NSGR

    Tips på turer kring Abisko slutet av juni?

    Thank you very much for the link. If I interpret correctly, the pass may not be completely snow free but most probably doable by next week.🤞 That is good enough for me to stick to the original planning. Starting to get excited🙂🙃
  3. NSGR

    Tips på turer kring Abisko slutet av juni?

    Is this something they would know? i.e. the Tjäktä cabin host issues a snow report daily in their internal network, or is it just the report of the last hikers through. Another thought, if I get lucky with the weather, is to back track to Nikkaluokta and then go the Vistas-Alejaure-Abisko...
  4. NSGR

    Tips på turer kring Abisko slutet av juni?

    Hej there! May I hijack the thread for the 2024 season?! I arrive in Kiruna on the 26th of June. The plan is to summit Kebnekaise and then walk north to Abisko. My window is 26-2. I frontload the ascend to Kebnekaise to buy myself time for weather and be fresh and pain/blister free. Worst case...

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