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Transportation Kiruna Airport - Abisko 16/8

Seems the normal bus 91 has been messed up, I did check this when I booked my flight.
So, the only bus leaving tomorrow is at 14.40 and the SAS flight lands at 15.00 :unsure:
I called them but they can not wait for the only afternoon flight ...
Late, but I have a taxi at 15.00 to Abisko if someone is in the same situation.
I'd recommend taking the airport transfer bus to Kiruna and the train to abisko if you don't want to pay obscene amounts for a taxi.
Darn. Unless you wait for the first train in the morning. At least a few weeks ago it left quite early. But I understand if you want to get going.

Liknande trådar

Fjälledarens tips: Så packar du lätt och når längre

Ibland får man ut mer av naturupplevelser när man tar ut svängarna. Fjälledaren Oskar berättar hur han hittar en större frihetskänsla utomhus.